where the following is true:
- fieldname1
- Name of an input record field that is referenced by a variable parameter name in the WHERE condition of the SELECT statement
- startpos
- Starting position of the field in an input data record
- startpos can be specified as an:
- Unsigned integer, which is a character position starting with 1
- Asterisk (*), which means the next available character position beyond the preceding field
When using the CONTINUEIF condition of the LAYOUT command to continue input records, a startpos specified by an integer value refers to a character position in the final concatenated record from which the continuation indicator has been removed.
- datadesc
- Type and length of data in the field
- This description is used to generate the data description for this field in the USING modifier for the SELECT statement.
- The datadescspecification can be any of the data type phrases shown in Teradata Vantage™ - Data Types and Literals, B035-1143.
- fieldexpr
- Concatenation of two or more items, either fields or character constants or string constants or a combination of these in the following form:
- fieldname2 || fieldname2 || fieldname2 ...
- Nested concatenations are not supported. Each fieldname2 that is actually a field by its own FIELD command must be defined.
- Valid character and string constants are as described in Teradata Vantage™ - SQL Fundamentals, B035-1141.
- NULLIF nullexpr
- Condition used for selectively inserting a null value into the affected column
- The condition is specified as a conditional expression involving any number of fields, each represented by its fieldname and constants.
- Each fieldname appearing in the conditional expression must be defined by either:
- The startpos and datadesc parameters of the FIELD command
- A FILLER command
- Character positions to be dropped from the fieldname1
- These must be of a character data type.