Following is the listing of the feomod.c sample OUTMOD routine that is provided with the FastExport utility software:
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* feomod.c - Sample Outmod for FastExport. */ /* */ /* Purpose - This outmod deletes the data passed to it. */ /* */ /* Execute - Build Outmod on a UNIX operating system */ /* compile and link into shared object */ /* cc -G feomod.c - o */ /* */ /* - Build Outmod on a Win32 system */ /* compile and link into dynamic link library */ /* cl /DWIN32 /LD feomod.c */ /* */ /* Copyright (C) 1996-2012 by Teradata Corporation. */ /* All Rights Reserved. */ /* Teradata Corporation CONFIDENTIAL AND TRADE SECRET */ /* */ /**********************************************************************/ typedef unsigned short Int16; typedef unsigned char Int8; typedef unsigned int UInt32; #ifdef WIN32 /* Change for WIN32 */ __declspec(dllexport) UInt32 _dynamn( int *code, int *stmno, int *InLen, char *InBuf, int *OutLen, char *OutBuf ) #else UInt32 _dynamn(code, stmno, InLen, InBuf, OutLen, OutBuf) int *code; int *stmno; int *InLen; char *InBuf; int *OutLen; char *OutBuf; #endif { /* case on entry code */ switch (*code) { case 1: /* Initialization, no other values */ printf ("OUTMOD Initial Entry\n"); break; case 2: /* Cleanup call, no other values */ printf ("OUTMOD End of Responses Entry\n"); break; case 3: /* Process response record */ *InLen=0; *OutLen=0; break; case 4: /* Checkpoint, no other values */ printf ("OUTMOD Checkpoint Entry\n"); break; case 5: /* DBC restart - close and reopen the output files */ printf ("OUTMOD DBC Restart Entry\n"); break; case 6: /* Host restart */ printf ("OUTMOD Host Restart Entry\n"); break; default: printf ("OUTMOD Invalid Entry code\n"); break; } return (0); }