The following IBM C example is in <dbcpfx>.SAMPLIB (CHKTRANC) on the release tape.
The procedure executes the IBM C exec LC375CL, which compiles the source statements into the USER loadlib as member Chktran.
The ENTRY=NONE parameter to the LC375CL proc is required because the entry point name of the OUTMOD routine is not _dynamn. The ENTRY parameter to the linkedit is also required because the LC375CL proc does not generate such a parameter.
//USEREXP JOB (20750000),'USERNAME',MSGCLASS=A,NOTIFY=USER, // CLASS=B,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),REGION=5120K //CCOMPL EXEC LC375CL,ENTRY=NONE //C.SYSIN DD DATA,DLM=## /* TITLE CHKTRAN ... Output procedure for TranLogTable export run */ /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* */ /* Purpose This procedure is called by the Teradata FastExport */ /* utility for each response row returned to the host. */ /* The procedure examines each row to determine if the */ /* row should be output to an error data set and then */ /* either dropped or written to the standard data set. */ /* One error data sets contain records with a null */ /* region code the other contains records with a total */ /* sales value less than $100. These latter records */ /* are not written to the standard data set. */ /* */ /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ #include <stdio.h> #define chkbit(a,b) (((0x80 >> (b-1)) & (a)) ? 1 : 0) /* Define the structure of the response row */ struct tranlog { char Indicators; char Region[3]; char Product[8]; long Qty; long Price; } ;#define minsale 100 /* minimum sales to report */ FILE *file1, *file2; int chktran(EntryType, StmtNo, RespLen, RespRec, OutLen, OutRec) int *EntryType; int *StmtNo; int *RespLen; struct tranlog*RespRec; int *OutLen; char *OutRec; { long recsize; struct tranlog recout; /* case on entry type */ switch (*EntryType) { case 1: /* Normal start */ file1 = fopen(“ddn:file1out”, “wb”); file2 = fopen(“ddn:file2out”, “wb”); break; case 2: /* EOF for response data */ fclose(file1); fclose(file2); break; case 3: /* Process response record */ if ((RespRec->Qty * RespRec->Price) < minsale) { *RespLen = 0; recout = *RespRec; recsize = fwrite(&recout, sizeof(recout), 1, file1); } else { /* If the region is null then change it to a dummy region. */ if (chkbit(RespRec->Indicators,1)) { RespRec->Region[1] = '9'; RespRec->Region[2] = '9'; RespRec->Region[3] = '9'; recout = *RespRec; recsize = fwrite(&recout, sizeof(recout), 1, file2); } } break; case 4: /* no checkpoints to worry about */ break; case 5: /* DBC restart - close and reopen the output files */ file1 = freopen("ddn:file1out", "wb", file1); file2 = freopen("ddn:file2out", "wb", file2); break; case 6: /* Host restart same as normal since there are no checkpoints */ file1 = fopen("ddn:file1out", "wb"); file2 = fopen("ddn:file2out", "wb"); break; default: printf("Invalid entry code = %d\n", *EntryType); break; } return(0); } ## //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DSN=USER.LIB.LOAD(CHKTRAN),DISP=MOD //LKED.SYSIN DD DATA,DLM=## MODE AMODE(24) RMODE(24) ENTRY CHKTRAN NAME CHKTRAN(R) ##