The following FastExport job script example executes a single SELECT statement and returns the results to a data set on the client system:
.LOGTABLE utillog ; /* define restart log */ .LOGON tdpz/user,pswd ; /* DBC logon string */ .BEGIN EXPORT /* specify export function */ SESSIONS 20; /* number of sessions to be used */ .LAYOUT UsingData ; /* define the input data */ .FIELD ProjId * Char(8) ; /* values for the SELECT */ .FIELD WkEnd * Date ; /* constraint clause. */ .IMPORT INFILE ddname1 /* identify the file that */ LAYOUT UsingData ; /* contains the input data */ .EXPORT OUTFILE ddname2 ; /* identify the destination */ /* file for exported data */ SELECT EmpNo, Hours FROM CHARGES /* provide the SQL SELECT */ WHERE WkEnd = :WkEnd /* statement with values */ AND Proj_ID = :ProjId /* provided by the IMPORT */ ORDER BY EmpNo ; /* command */ .END EXPORT ; /* terminate the export */ /* operation */ .LOGOFF ; /* disconnect from the DBS */