When an AXSMOD is used, FastExport will pass the session character set as an attribute to the AXSMOD for its possible use (most AXSMODs will not make any use of this information). The attribute name will be CHARSET_NAME and it will be a variable length character string.
After FastExport passes the session character set to the AXSMOD successfully, FastExport will pass export widths information that pertains to the current session character set as an attribute to the AXSMOD for its possible use. The attribute name is EXPORT_WIDTHS. FastExport extracts the export widths information from the data parcel returned by the HELP SESSION command.
The export width information is passed as an array to the AXSMOD and is used by the AXSMOD to calculate the size in bytes of exported fixed-length character columns. This size depends not only on the number of characters in the data type (the n in CHAR(n)), but also on the selected session character set, and the server character type (specified in the CHARACTER SET clause of the CREATE TABLE statement). Each structure passed in the array has information for one server character type. The export widths information structure is defined as the following:
typedef struct pmExpWidth { pmUInt16 CharType; /* Server character type code. */ pmUInt16 ExpWidth; /* Export width. */ pmUInt16 ExpWidthAdj; /* Export width adjustment. */ } pmExpWidth_t;
For more information about export width rules, see Teradata Vantage™ - Database Utilities, B035-1102.