Use the following BTEQ commands to verify the Teradata MultiLoad import task by selecting newly imported data from the Employee table:
bteq .logon tdpid/username,password .width 120 SELECT * from employee where salary > 65000.00; .quit
The response indicates that the Employee table was successfully loaded with the data from the insert.input file:
*** Query completed. 4 rows found. 13 columns returned. *** Total elapsed time was 6 seconds. EmpNo Name DeptNo PhoneNo JobTitle Salary YrsExp DOB Sex Race MStat EdLev HCap ----- ---------- ------ ------- --------- --------- ------ ----------- --- ---- ----- ----- ---- 10028 Lee, Sandra 200 5844 Support 77,000.00 4 JAN 01 1971 F M 18 0 10001 Jones, Bill 100 5376 President 83,000.00 15 JAN 01 1960 M M 14 0 10002 Smith, Jim 100 4912 Sales 73,000.00 10 JAN 01 1970 M M 13 1 10029 Berg, Andy 200 2312 Test 67,000.00 10 JAN 01 1967 M M 15 0