The following table lists the Teradata MultiLoad commands that perform task activities.
Teradata MultiLoad Command | Function |
DML LABEL | Defines a label and error treatment options for a following group of DML statements. |
END MLOAD | Indicates completion of Teradata MultiLoad command entries and initiates execution of the task. |
FIELD | Used with the LAYOUT command to define a field of the data source record that is sent to the database. |
FILLER | Used with the LAYOUT command to define a field in the data source record that is not sent to the database. |
IMPORT | Identifies the data source, the layout used to describe the data record, and optional conditions for performing DML operations. |
LAYOUT | Introduces the record format of the data source to be used in the Teradata MultiLoad task. This command is followed by a sequence or combination of FIELD and TABLE commands. |
LOGDATA | Supplies parameters to the LOGMECH command beyond those needed by the logon mechanism, such as userid and password, to successfully authenticate the user. |
LOGMECH | Identifies the appropriate logon mechanism by name. |
PAUSE ACQUISITION | Temporarily suspends the acquisition phase of a Teradata MultiLoad job. |
TABLE | Used with the LAYOUT command to identify a table whose column names and data descriptions are used as the field names and data descriptions of the data source records. |