If running Teradata MultiLoad in a UNIX operating system, be aware of the UNIX signals used by Teradata MultiLoad. Teradata MultiLoad UNIX signals cannot be used in any module or routine program for use with Teradata MultiLoad. Doing so causes an error in Teradata MultiLoad.
Teradata MultiLoad uses the following UNIX signals:
- SIGALARM (alarm signal)
- SIGINT (interrupt signal)
- SIGQUIT (quit signal)
- SIGTERM (terminate signal)
Signals are predefined messages sent between two UNIX system processes to communicate the occurrence of unexpected external events, or exceptions. Aborting a Teradata MultiLoad session while Teradata MultiLoad is in the middle of processing a job is an example of an exception. In this scenario, Teradata MultiLoad uses the UNIX signals to trap the abort command, disconnect all sessions, perform any necessary cleanup, and then terminate in an orderly manner.
SIGINT in Windows Environments
The SIGINT signal is not supported in Windows environments. When a CTRL+C interrupt occurs, a new thread is generated to handle that interrupt. Because MultiLoad is not multithreaded, errors can occur.