Teradata TPump/Notify Exit Routine Interface - Parallel Data Pump

Teradata® Parallel Data Pump Reference - 17.20

Parallel Data Pump
Release Number
June 2022
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
Teradata TPump accumulates operational information about specific events that occur during a Teradata TPump job. If the BEGIN LOAD command includes a NOTIFY option with an EXIT specification, then, when the specific events occur, Teradata TPump calls the named Notify Exit routine and passes to it:
  • An event code to identify the event
  • Specific information about the event

The following table lists the event codes and describes the data that Teradata TPump passes to the Notify Exit routine for each event. (See the BEGIN LOAD command description for a description of the events associated with each level of notification: low, medium, high, and ultra.)

To support future enhancements, always make sure that the Notify Exit routines ignore invalid or undefined event codes, and that they do not cause Teradata TPump to terminate abnormally.
Events Passed to the Notify Exit Routine 
Event Event Code Event Description Data Passed to the Notify Exit Routine
Initialize 0 Successful processing of the NOTIFY option of the BEGIN LOAD command.
  • Version ID length – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • Version ID string – 32-byte (maximum) array
  • Utility ID – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • Utility name length – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • Utility name string – 36-character (maximum) array
  • User name length – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • User name string – 64-byte (maximum) array
  • Optional string length – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • Optional string – 80-byte (maximum) array
InitializeEON 0 Successful processing of the NOTIFY option of the BEGIN LOAD command.
  • Version ID length – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • Version ID string – 32-byte (maximum) array
  • Utility ID – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • Utility name length – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • Utility name string – 36-byte (maximum) array
  • User name length – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • User name string – holds maximum supported length of a database object
  • User string length – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • User string – holds maximum supported length of a database object
File or INMOD open 1 Successful processing of the IMPORT command that specifies the file or INMOD routine name
  • File name length – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • File name – 256-byte (maximum) array
  • Import number – 4-byte unsigned integer
Checkpoint begin 2 Teradata TPump is about to perform a checkpoint operation Record number – 4-byte unsigned integer
Import begin 3 The first record is about to be read for each import task Import number – 4-byte unsigned integer
Import end 4 The last record has been read for each import task. The returned data is the record statistics for the import task
  • Import number – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • Records read – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • Records skipped – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • Records rejected – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • Records sent to the database – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • Data errors – 4-byte unsigned integer
Error table 5 Processing of the SEL COUNT(*) request completed successfully for the error table
  • Table name – 128-byte (maximum) array
  • Number of rows – 4-byte unsigned integer
Database restart 6 Teradata TPump received a crash message from the database or CLIv2 No data accompanies the database restart event code
CLIv2 error 7 Teradata TPump received a CLIv2 error Error code – 4-byte unsigned integer
Database error 8 Teradata TPump received a database error that will produce an exit code of 12 Error code – 4-byte unsigned integer
Not all database errors cause this event. A 3807 error, for example, while trying to drop or create a table, does not terminate Teradata TPump.
Exit 9 Teradata TPump completed a load task Exit code – 4-byte unsigned integer
Table statistics 10 Teradata TPump has successfully written the table statistics
  • Type (I = Insert, U = Update, or D = Delete) – 1-byte character variable
  • Database name – 64-byte (maximum) array
  • Table/macro name – 64-byte (maximum) array
  • Activity count – 4-byte unsigned integer
Checkpoint end 11 Teradata TPump successfully completed the checkpoint operation Record number – 4-byte unsigned integer
Interim run statistics 12 Teradata TPump is updating the Monitor Interface table, has just completed a checkpoint, or has read the last record for an import task. The returned data is the statistics for the current load
  • Import number – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • Statements sent to the database – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • Requests sent to the database – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • Records read – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • Records skipped – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • Records rejected – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • Records sent to the database – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • Data errors – 4-byte unsigned integer
DML error 13 Teradata TPump received a database error that was caused by DML and will introduce an error-row insert to the error table
  • Import number – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • Error code – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • Error message – 256-character (maximum) array
  • Record number – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • Apply number – 1-byte unsigned char
  • DML number – 1-byte unsigned char
  • Statement number – 1-byte unsigned char
  • Record data – 64,004-character (maximum) array
  • Record data length – 4-byte unsigned integer
  • Feedback – a pointer to 4-byte unsigned integer

“Feedback” always points to integer 0 when it is passed to the user exit routine. The user may change the value of this integer to 1 to instruct Teradata TPump not to log the error to the error table. In this case, Teradata TPump will not log the error, but continue other regular process on this error.

Checkpoint begin 64 14 Teradata TPump is about to perform a checkpoint operation. Record number—8-byte unsigned integer
Checkpoint end 64 15 Teradata TPump successfully completed the checkpoint operation Record number—8-byte unsigned integer
Import end 64 16 The last record has been read for each import task. The returned data is the record statistics for the import task.
  • Import number—4-byte unsigned integer
  • Records read—8-byte unsigned integer
  • Records skipped—8-byte unsigned integer
  • Records rejected—8-byte unsigned integer
  • Records sent to the database—8-byte unsigned integer
  • Data errors—8-byte unsigned integer
Error table 64 17 Processing of the CAST(COUNT(*) AS BIGINT) request completed successfully for the error table.
  • Table name—string holds maximum supported length of a database object
  • Number of rows—8-byte unsigned integer
Table statistics 64 18 Teradata TPump has successfully written the table statistics.
  • Type (I = Insert, U = Update, or D = Delete) — 1-byte character variable
  • Database name—string holds maximum supported length of a database object
  • Table/macro name—string holds maximum supported length of a database object
  • Activity count—8-byte unsigned integer
Interim run statistics 64 19 Teradata TPump is updating the Monitor Interface table, has just completed a checkpoint, or has read the last record for an import task. The returned data is the statistics for the current load.
  • Import number—4-byte unsigned integer
  • Statements sent to the database—4-byte unsigned integer
  • Requests sent to the database—4-byte unsigned integer
  • Records read—8-byte unsigned integer
  • Records skipped—8-byte unsigned integer
  • Records rejected—8-byte unsigned integer
  • Records sent to the database—8-byte unsigned integer
  • Data errors—8-byte unsigned integer
DML error 64 20 Teradata TPump received a database error that was caused by DML and will introduce an error-row insert to the error table.
  • Import number—4-byte unsigned integer
  • Error code—4-byte unsigned integer
  • Error message—256-byte (maximum) array
  • Record number—8-byte unsigned integer
  • Apply number—1-byte unsigned char
  • DML number—1-byte unsigned char
  • Statement number—1-byte unsigned char
  • Record data—64,004-byte (maximum) array
  • Feedback—a pointer to 4-byte unsigned integer “Feedback” always points to integer 0 when it is passed to the user exit routine. The user may change the value of this integer to 1 to instruct Teradata TPump not to log the error to the error table. In this case, Teradata TPump will not log the error, but continue other regular process on this error.