Each DMLGroup has one or more DML Statements along with a set of DML Options which is used to load or update data.
Object Name and Function | Syntax | Return Codes |
AddArraySupport Enables array support for the DMLGroup. |
#include “connection.h” Void AddArraySupport( char* arraysuport); where arraysupport is on or off. On mainframe-attached z/OS platforms, connection.h is located in TWB.H(CONNECTI). Use #include “connecti.h” instead of “connection.h.” |
None |
AddDMLOption Sets a DML option to be used with the DMLGroup. |
#include “connection.h” Void AddDMLOption( DMLOption option); where option is an input parameter for the DML Option constant. On mainframe-attached z/OS platforms, connection.h is located in TWB.H(CONNECTI). Use #include “connecti.h” instead of “connection.h.” |
None |
AddSerializeOn Designates which column(s) to serialize when using the Stream driver. |
#include “connection.h” Void AddSerializeOn( Int argcount, ..., NULL); where these parameters specify:
On mainframe-attached z/OS platforms, connection.h is located in TWB.H(CONNECTI). Use #include “connecti.h” instead of “connection.h.” |
None |
AddStatement Adds a DML statement to the DMLGroup. |
#include “connection.h” Void AddStatement( Char* statement); where statement is an input parameter for the DML statement. On mainframe-attached z/OS platforms, connection.h is located in TWB.H(CONNECTI). Use #include “connecti.h” instead of “connection.h.” |
None |
AddUseList Designates which column(s) to use when executing the SQL statements in a DML group during the application process. |
#include “connection.h” Void AddUseList ( Int argcount, ... , NULL); where these parameters specify:
On mainframe-attached z/OS platforms, connection.h is located in TWB.H(CONNECTI). Use #include “connecti.h” instead of “connection.h.” |
None |
Constructor Returns DMLGroup class instance. |
#include “DMLGroup.h” using namespace teradata::client::API; DMLGroup* DMLGroup(); |
None |
Constructor Specifies encoding for the DMLGroup class and returns the DMLGroup class instance. |
#include “DMLGroup.h”
using namespace teradata::client::API;
DMLGroup* DMLGroup(TD_Encoding encoding);
where encoding is the input parameter for the type of encoding for this class. Valid values are TD_UTF8_ENCODING (the default) and TD_UTF16_ENCODING. This Class Constructor is not supported on mainframe-attached z/OS platforms. |
None |
DMLGroup Specifies the DMLgroup class and returns the instance. |
#include "connection.h" DMLGroup::DMLGroup(const DMLGroup& g) * On mainframe-attached z/OS platforms, connection.h is located in TWB.H(CONNECT). Use #include "connecti.h" instead of "connection.h" |
None |
GetArraySupport Returns the array support on (or) off. |
#include "connection.h" Char * DMLGroup::GetArraySupport() * On mainframe-attached z/OS platforms, connection.h is located in TWB.H(CONNECT). Use #include "connecti.h" instead of "connection.h" |
Returns the character pointer holding the "On" and "Off". |
GetDmlStatements Returns the DML Statements. |
#include "connection.h" vector<char*> DMLGroup::GetDmlStatements() * On mainframe-attached z/OS platforms, connection.h is located in TWB.H(CONNECT). Use #include "connecti.h" instead of "connection.h" |
Returns the vector of the char pointer holding the DML statements. |
GetEncoding Gets the DMLGroup encoding. |
#include "connection.h" TD_Encoding DMLGroup::GetEncoding() * On mainframe-attached z/OS platforms, connection.h is located in TWB.H(CONNECT). Use #include "connecti.h" instead of "connection.h" |
GetName Gets the DML group name. |
#include "connection.h" string DMLGroup::GetName() * On mainframe-attached z/OS platforms, connection.h is located in TWB.H(CONNECT). Use #include "connecti.h" instead of "connection.h " |
Returns the string holding the DMLgroup name. |
GetOptions Returns the DML options |
#include "connection.h" TD_Count DMLGroup::GetOptions() * On mainframe-attached z/OS platforms, connection.h is located in TWB.H(CONNECT). Use #include "connecti.h" instead of "connection.h" |
Returns the integer holding the options count. |
GetSerializeColumn Specifies the index and returns the serialize column from the vector serialize list. |
#include "connection.h" Char* DMLGroup::GetSerializeColumn(TD_Index index) where index is the referring to the serialize column from the Serialize List * On mainframe-attached z/OS platforms, connection.h is located in TWB.H(CONNECT). Use #include "connecti.h" instead of "connection.h" |
Returns the character pointer holding the serialize column. |
GetSerializeCount Returns the serialize count. |
#include "connection.h" TD_Count DMLGroup::GetSerializeCount() * On mainframe-attached z/OS platforms, connection.h is located in TWB.H(CONNECT). Use #include "connecti.h" instead of "connection.h |
Returns the integer holding the serialize count. |
GetSerializeList Returns the serialize List. |
#include "connection.h" vector<char*> DMLGroup::GetSerializeList() * On mainframe-attached z/OS platforms, onnection.h is located in TWB.H(CONNECT). Use #include "connecti.h" instead of "connection.h" |
Returns the vector of the char pointer holding the Serialize List. |
GetStatement Specifies the index and returns the particular statement. |
#include "connection.h" Char* DMLGroup::GetStatement(TD_Index index) where the index is to get the statement from the statement list * On mainframe-attached z/OS platforms, connection.h is located in TWB.H(CONNECT). Use #include "connecti.h" instead of "connection.h" |
Returns character pointer holding the statement. |
GetStatementCount Returns the statement count. |
#include "connection.h" TD_Count DMLGroup::GetStatementCount() * On mainframe-attached z/OS platforms, connection.h is located in TWB.H(CONNECT). Use #include "connecti.h" instead of "connection.h" |
Returns the integer holding the statement count. |
GetUseColumn Specifies the index and GetUse column from the vector use column list |
#include "connection.h" Char* DMLGroup::GetUseColumn(TD_Index index) where index is referring to the index from the use list * On mainframe-attached z/OS platforms, connection.h is located in TWB.H(CONNECT). Use #include "connecti.h" instead of "connection.h" |
Returns the character pointer holding the GetUse Column. |
GetUseCount Returns the GetUse count. |
#include "connection.h" TD_Count DMLGroup::GetUseCount() * On mainframe-attached z/OS platforms, connection.h is located in TWB.H(CONNECT). Use #include "connecti.h" instead of "connection.h" |
Returns the integer holding the get use count. |
GetUseList Returns the GetUseList. |
#include "connection.h" vector<char*> DMLGroup::GetUseList() * On mainframe-attached z/OS platforms, connection.h is located in TWB.H(CONNECT). Use #include "connecti.h" instead of "connection.h" |
Returns the vector of the char pointer holding the GetUseList. |
SetName Sets the DML group name. |
#include "connection.h" void DMLGroup::SetName(string nm) where nm is the parameter of char type * On mainframe-attached z/OS platforms, connection.h is located in TWB.H(CONNECT). Use #include "connecti.h" instead of "connection.h" |
None |