Specify the TdpId, UserName, and UserPassword by editing the job variables file, jobvars1.txt.
- CD [change directory] to the quickstart sample directory.
- Open the jobvars1.txt (job variables) file.
- Specify site-specific values for the following variables:
- DDLTdpId: Name of your database
- DDLUserName: Your user name on the database
- DDLUserPassword: Your password on the database
- LoadTdpId: Name of your database
- LoadUserName: Your user name on the database
- LoadUserPassword: Your password on the database
For example:
DDLTdpId = 'yourTdpId' ,DDLUserName = 'yourUserName' ,DDLUserPassword = 'yourPassword' ,LoadTdpId = 'yourTdpId' ,LoadUserName = 'yourUserName' ,LoadUserPassword = 'yourUserPassword'
- Save your changes and close the file.