Use the attribute definition list syntax in the Teradata PT DEFINE OPERATOR statement to declare the required and optional attribute values for the DDL operator. See the DDL Operator Attribute Definitions table in this section for descriptions of the attributes in the following syntax diagrams. A generic example of the operator follows the attribute descriptions.
Syntax Element | Description |
AccountId = acctId' | Optional attribute that specifies the account associated with the specified user name. If omitted, it defaults to the account identifier of the immediate owner database. |
ARRAY | Optional keyword that specifies more than one attribute value. |
ConnectString = 'connectionString' | Optional attribute that specifies the connection string. The connection string will be passed to CLI. CLI will validate the connection string. For information on connection string, see Teradata® Call-Level Interface Version 2 Reference for Workstation-Attached Systems, B035-2418. The TPT Connection String feature is available on all platforms, except on z/OS.
DataEncryption = ‘option’ | Optional attribute that enables full encryption of SQL requests, responses, and data. Valid values are:
ErrorList = ‘nnnn’ | Optional attribute that specifies a list of database errors (by number) to ignore. Using this attribute suppresses known database errors, preventing the termination of a job. This attribute overrides the default operator behavior that terminates a job whenever an error returns from the Teradata server when a DDL statement is issued. The following example prevents the DDL operator from returning a bad status code when database error 3807 occurs during a table drop: DEFINE OPERATOR DDLOP DESCRIPTION 'DDL OPERATOR' . ATTRIBUTES ( VARCHAR ErrorList = '3807', ; You can also use the ErrorList attribute to suppress multiple error codes. |
LogonMech = 'string' | Optional attribute that specifies which logon mechanism to use. Specification of this attribute may be required for some authentication methods.
The job terminates if the attribute exceeds 8 bytes. For information on specification requirements for LogonMech “Logon Security” in Teradata Parallel Transporter User Guide (B035-2445). |
LogonMechData = 'data' | Optional attribute that passes along additional logon data. Specification of this attribute is required for some external authentication methods.
For information on specification requirements for LogonMechData “Logon Security” in Teradata Parallel Transporter User Guide (B035-2445). |
LogSQL = 'option' | Optional attribute that controls how much of the job’s SQL to enter into the log. Valid options are:
PrivateLogName = 'logName' | Optional attribute that specifies the name of a log that is maintained by the Teradata PT Logger inside the public log. The private log contains all the output provided by the operator. The private log can be viewed using the tlogview command as follows, where jobId is the Teradata PT job name and privateLogName is the value for the operator’s PrivateLogName attribute: tlogview -j jobid -f privatelogname If the private log is not specified, all output is stored in the public log. For more information about the tlogview command, see Teradata PT Utility Commands. |
QueryBandSessInfo = ‘queryBand Expression’ | Optional attribute that specifies the Query Band for the duration of the job sessions. The queryBandExpression is a set of name=value pairs, separated by a semicolon and ending with a semicolon. The user defines the Query Band expression, which will look similar to the following example: ‘org=Finance;load=daily;location=west;’ QueryBandSessInfo may also be specified as an ARRAY attribute. For information on the rules for creating a Query Band expression, see Teradata Vantage™ - SQL Data Definition Language Syntax and Examples, B035-1144 and Teradata Vantage™ - SQL Data Definition Language Detailed Topics, B035-1184. The value of the QueryBandSessInfo attribute is displayed in the DDL operator private log. Use of the QueryBandSessInfo attribute is subject to the following rules:
ReplicationOverride = ‘option’ | Optional attribute that overrides the normal replication services controls for an active session. Valid values:
For more information, see Teradata Replication Services Using Oracle GoldenGate. The user ID that is logged in by the DDL operator must have the REPLCONTROL privilege when setting the value for this attribute.
RestartAtFirstDMLGroup = 'option' | Optional attribute that specifies which DML statement the DDL operator will resume at after a restart. Valid values are:
The following example illustrates the behavior:
CREATE TABLE A (...); CREATE TABLE B (...); CREATE TABLE C (...); If the job fails during creation of table C, for example, the default behavior when restarting the job is that the DDL operator will resume at the 'CREATE TABLE C' DML statement. However, if RestartAtFirstDMLGroup is set to 'Yes', the DDL operator will resume at the 'CREATE TABLE A' DML statement. |
RoleName = 'role name' | Optional attribute that implements security in a database environment. The operator will prepend the value with "SET ROLE ". The syntax will be sent to the database as follows: SET ROLE <role name>; For example: SET ROLE All; For details of SET ROLE command use, see Teradata Vantage™ - SQL Data Definition Language Syntax and Examples, B035-1144. The VARCHAR ARRAY can specify more than one value, for example: VARCHAR ARRAY RoleName = ['role name1', 'role name2'], The operator will send the request to the database on the SQL session after the session is connected.
SPLOPT = ‘option’ | Optional attribute that supports creating, replacing, and dropping an inline stored procedure using the DDL operator. The DDL operator does not execute a stored procedure. The stored procedure can be fetched with the SHOW PROCEDURE statement. For stored procedure commands that exceed 64K, Teradata PT sends the request over in blocks of 64K, one at a time. Valid values are:
SQLCmdFileName = SQLfilepathname | Optional VARCHAR attribute that specifies the complete SQL file path name. In the provided <SQLFile>, each SQL command must end with a semicolon. |
TdpId = 'dbcName' | Optional attribute that specifies the name of the database machine (non-mainframe platforms) or TDP (mainframe platforms) for the DDL operator job. The dbcName can be up to 256 characters and can be a domain server name. If you do not specify the value for the TdpId attribute, the operator uses the default TdpID established for the user by the system administrator. |
TimeZoneSessInfo = 'timeZoneValue' | Optional attribute that allows you to change the default time zone displacement for the duration of the operator's job session. When you provide a value for this attribute, the operator will build the SET TIME ZONE <timeZoneValue>; SQL request. The operator will send the request to the database on the SQL session after the session is connected. Here are some examples:
For more information on SET TIME ZONE SQL, see Teradata Vantage™ - SQL Data Definition Language Syntax and Examples, B035-1144. |
TraceLevel = 'level' | Optional attribute that specifies the types of diagnostic messages that are written by each instance of the operator to the public log (or private log, if one is specified using the PrivateLogName attribute). The diagnostic trace function provides more detailed information in the log file to aid in problem tracking and diagnosis. The trace levels are:
The VARCHAR ARRAY can specify more than one value, for example: VARCHAR TraceLevel = 'CLI' VARCHAR TraceLevel = 'OPER' VARCHAR ARRAY TraceLevel = [ 'CLI' ] VARCHAR ARRAY TraceLevel = [ 'CLI', 'OPER' ] The TraceLevel attribute is provided as a diagnostic aid only. The amount and type of additional information provided by this attribute changes to meet evolving needs from release to release.
TransformGroup = 'transformgroupname' | Optional attribute that supports changing the active transform for Teradata Complex Data Types (CDTs). The value is the <udt name> <transform group name>, and the operator will prepend the hard-coded string "SET TRANSFORM GROUP FOR TYPE ". The syntax sent to RDBMS is as follows: SET TRANSFORM GROUP FOR TYPE <udt name> <transform group name>; For example:
VARCHAR ARRAY TransformGroup = ['JSON CHARACTER SET LATIN TD_JSON_VARCHAR', 'ST_GEOMETRY TD_GEO_VARCHAR'], The operator will send the request to the database on the SQL session after the session is connected.
TreatDBSRestartAsFatal= ‘option’ | Optional attribute that tells the operator whether to terminate the job when a database restart occurs. Valid values are:
UnicodePassThrough = ‘value’ | Optional attribute that tells the operator to enable or disable the Unicode Pass Through feature. Valid values:
When a TPT job is using the UTF8 or UTF16 session character set, the UnicodePassThrough attribute can be set to 'On' to allow the operator to send data with Unicode pass through characters to the database.
Username = 'userId' | Attribute that specifies the database user name. Use of this attribute is not compatible with some external authentication logon methods. For more information on UserName specification requirements, see “Logon Security” in Teradata® Parallel Transporter User Guide, B035-2445.
UserPassword = 'password' | Attribute that specifies the password associated with the user name. Use of this attribute is not compatible with some external authentication logon methods. For more information on password specification requirements, see “Logon Security” in Teradata® Parallel Transporter User Guide, B035-2445.
VARCHAR | Keyword that specifies VARCHAR as the data type of the defined attribute. |
WorkingDatabase = ‘databaseName’ | Optional attribute that specifies a database other than the logon database as the default database. The name of the database that is specified with this attribute is used in the SQL DATABASE statement that is sent by the operator immediately after connecting the two SQL sessions. If WorkingDatabase is not specified, the default database associated with the logged on user is assumed for all unqualified table names. |