Required and Optional Attributes |Export Operator - Required and Optional Attributes - Parallel Transporter

Teradata® Parallel Transporter Reference - 20.00

Parallel Transporter
Release Number
October 2023
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

Use the attribute definition list syntax in the Teradata PT DEFINE OPERATOR statement to declare the required and optional attribute values for the Export operator.



Export Operator Attribute Definitions 
Syntax Element Description
AccountId = 'acctId' Optional attribute that specifies the account associated with the specified user name.

If omitted, it defaults to the account identifier of the immediate owner database.

BlockSize = bytes Optional attribute that specifies the block size to use when returning data to the client. The minimum is 256 bytes. The default is 1048472 bytes. The maximum is 16775168 bytes.
The BlockSize value cannot be larger than the message size supported by the database. If the supplied block size is too large, the operator scales it back to the maximum allowed block size and the job continues.
ConnectString = 'connectionString' Optional attribute that specifies the connection string. The connection string will be passed to CLI. CLI will validate the connection string.

For information on connection string, see Teradata® Call-Level Interface Version 2 Reference for Workstation-Attached Systems, B035-2418.

The TPT Connection String feature is available on all platforms, except z/OS.
DataEncryption = ‘option’ Optional attribute that enables full security encryption of SQL requests, responses, and data.
Valid values are:
  • ‘On’ = all SQL requests, responses, and data are encrypted.
  • ‘Off’ = no encryption occurs (default).
DateForm = 'option' Optional attribute that specifies the DATE data type for the Export operator job. Valid values are:
  • 'integerDate' = the integer DATE data type (default)
  • 'ansiDate' = the ANSI fixed-length CHAR(10) DATE data type
DiscardLargeRow = ‘option’ Optional attribute that tells the operator whether to discard large rows (greater than 64K), because the consumer operator cannot handle large rows.
Valid values are:
  • 'Yes' or 'Y' = Tells the operator to discard the large rows and continue the job.
  • 'No' or 'N' = Tells the operator to terminate the job when a large row is encountered (default).
A consumer operator cannot handle large rows when the consumer operator is talking to a database that does not support a row size greater than 64K.
When you enable this option and the consumer operator cannot handle large rows, the operator discards the large rows. The discarded rows will not be saved.
  • This option applies only for the FastExport NoSpool mode, because the operator does not know ahead of time whether any rows will be too large for the consumer operator.
  • This option does not apply for the FastExport Spool mode, because the operator knows ahead of time whether any rows will be too large for the consumer operator. When the operator knows ahead of time, the operator will terminate the job right away where there is 1 or more large rows.
LogonMech = ‘string’ Optional attribute that specifies which logon mechanism to use.

Specification of this attribute may be required for some authentication methods.

The job terminates if the attribute exceeds 8 bytes.

For information on specification requirements for LogonMech “Logon Security” in Teradata® Parallel Transporter User Guide, B035-2445.

LogonMechData = ‘data Optional attribute that passes along additional logon data.

Specification of this attribute is required for some external authentication methods.

For information on specification requirements for LogonMechData “Logon Security” in Teradata® Parallel Transporter User Guide, B035-2445.

LogSQL = 'option' Optional attribute that controls how much of the job’s SQL to enter into the log.
Valid options are:
  • 'Yes' = output the full SQL to the log. The maximum length is 1M.
  • 'No' = do not output SQL to the log.
  • No value or attribute omitted = accept the pre-defined limit, which displays up to 32K of SQL if all the SQL is less than 32K. If the SQL to be logged exceeds 32K, truncate the display to the first 32K bytes.
MaxDecimalDigits = digits Optional attribute that restricts the number of digits in the DECIMAL data type that can be exported.

Valid values are from 1 to 38.

The default value is 38.

If the attribute has a value of q where 38≥q≥1, then any returned DECIMAL (n[,m]) data item with n>q is implicitly CAST to DECIMAL; overflows are handled the same as an explicit CAST.

On mainframe-attached platforms, it is recommended that the MaxDecimalDigits attribute not exceed 31 to avoid representations that exceed the capacity of the native instruction set.

MaxSessions = maxSessions Optional attribute specifying the maximum number of Export sessions to log on.

The MaxSessions value must be greater than 0. Specifying a value less than 1 terminates the job.

The default is one session per available AMP. The maximum value cannot exceed the number of available AMPs.

MinSessions = minSessions Optional attribute that specifies the minimum number of sessions required for the Export operator job to continue.

The MinSessions value must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to the maximum number of Export operator sessions. The default is one session.

NotifyExit = 'inmodName' Optional attribute that specifies the name of the user-defined notify exit routine. If no value is supplied, the following default name is used:
  • libnotfyext.dll for Windows platform
  • libnotfyext.dylib for Apple macOS platforms
  • for all other UNIX platforms
  • NOTFYEXT for z/OS platform

See Restricted Words for information about providing your own notify exit routine.

NotifyLevel = 'notifyLevel' Optional attribute that indicates the level at which certain events are reported. Valid values are:
  • 'Off' = no notification of events is provided (default)
  • 'Low' = 'Yes' in the Low Notification Level column
  • 'Med' = 'Yes' in the Medium Notification Level column
  • 'High' = 'Yes' in the High Notification Level column
NotifyMethod = 'notifyMethod' Optional attribute that indicates the method to be used for reporting events. The methods are:
  • 'None' = no event logging is done (default).
  • 'Msg' = sends the events to a log.

    On Windows, the events are sent to the EventLog that can be viewed using the Event Viewer. The messages are sent to the Application log.

    On AIX, and Linux platforms, the destination of the events is dependent upon the setting specified in the /etc/syslog.conf file.

    On SLES11, the destination of the events is dependent upon the setting specified in the /etc/syslog-ng.conf file.

    On z/OS systems, events are sent to the job log.

  • 'Exit' = sends the events to a user-defined notify exit routine. Row count information is in 4-byte unsigned integer values.
  • ‘Exit64’ = sends the events to a user-defined notify exit routine. Row count information is in 8-byte unsigned integer values for the following events:




  • ’ExitEON’ = sends the events to a user-defined notify exit routine.

    Complete Teradata object names are passed to the notify exit routine for the NXEventInitializeEON event. In addition, ExitEON sends row count information in 8-byte unsigned integer values.

NotifyString = 'notifyString' Optional attribute that provides a user-defined string to precede all messages sent to the system log. This string is also sent to the user-defined notify exit routine. The maximum length of the string is:
  • 80 bytes, if the NotifyMethod is 'Exit'
  • 16 bytes, if NotifyMethod is 'Msg'
OutLimit= maxRecords Optional attribute that specifies the maximum number of records processed by each instance of the operator.
   INTEGER OutLimit = 1000
  • If specified, OutLimit value must be greater than 0.
  • If OutLimit is not specified, the number of records processed is not limited.
  • OutLimit specification applies to each instance of the Export operator and not to the total job.
PrivateLogName = 'logName' Optional attribute that specifies the name of a log that is maintained by the Teradata PT Logger inside the public log. The private log contains all the output provided by the Export operator.

The private log can be viewed using the tlogview command as follows, where jobid is the Teradata PT job name and privateLogName is the value for the Export operator PrivateLogName attribute:

tlogview -j jobid -f privatelogname

If the private log is not specified, all the output is stored in the public log.

For more information about the tlogview command, see Teradata PT Utility Commands.

QueryBandSessInfo = 'queryBandExpression' Optional attribute that specifies the Query Band for the duration of the job sessions.

queryBandExpression is a set of name=value pairs, separated by a semicolon and ending with a semicolon. The user defines the Query Band expression, which will look similar to the following example:


QueryBandSessInfo may also be specified as an ARRAY attribute.

For information on the rules for creating a Query Band expression, see Teradata Vantage™ - SQL Data Definition Language Syntax and Examples, B035-1144 and Teradata Vantage™ - SQL Data Definition Language Detailed Topics, B035-1184.

The value of the QueryBandSessInfo attribute is displayed in the Export operator private log.

Use of the QueryBandSessInfo attribute is subject to the following rules:
  • By default, Query Band is off until a valid value appears for the QueryBandSessInfo attribute.
  • If the QueryBandSessInfo attribute contains a value, the Export operator constructs the necessary SET QUERY BAND SQL and issues it as part of the Load operator SQL sessions to communicate the request to the database.
  • The Export operator does not check the Query Band expression, but passes the expression to the database as is.
  • If the version of the database against which the job is being run does not support the Query Band feature, no Query Banding will take place. However, the operator will ignore the error and run the rest of the job.
  • If there is a syntax error in the Query Band expression, the database returns an error. The Export operator will then terminate the job and report the error to the user.
RoleName - 'role name'

Optional attribute that implements security in a database environment. The operator will prepend the value with "SET ROLE ". The syntax will be sent to the database as follows:

SET ROLE <role name>;

For example:


For details of SET ROLE command use, see Teradata Vantage™ - SQL Data Definition Language Syntax and Examples, B035-1144.

The VARCHAR ARRAY can specify more than one value, for example:

VARCHAR ARRAY RoleName = ['role name1', 'role name2'],

The operator will send the request to the database on the SQL session after the session is connected.

The operator does not send the request on the FastExport protocol sessions, because the database does not allow the request to be sent on the FastExport protocol sessions.

  • The operator does not validate the value for this attribute. The operator passes the value to the database as is. The database will validate the value. The operator will terminate the job with an error when the validation fails.
  • C-style comments are allowed in the value and will be passed to the database.
  • ANSI-style comments are not supported in the value. The operator can terminate the job with a syntax error when the value contains an ANSI-style comment.
  • A semicolon is not allowed in the value, because the operator allows only a single statement per request. The operator will terminate the job with an operator error when the value contains a semicolon.
SelectStmt = 'SELECT statements; Required attribute that specifies the SQL SELECT statement (or statements).

Refer to the SQL reference for your operating system and enter one or more valid SQL SELECT statements for the SelectStmt attribute.

The statement, or statements, must be enclosed in single quotes and each statement must be terminated with a semicolon.

SpoolMode = 'option' Optional attribute that specifies which spooling mode to use for the answer set.
  • 'Spool' tells the Export operator to spool the answer set. This is the default.
  • 'NoSpool' tells the Export operator to try using the NoSpool method. If NoSpool is not supported, then use Spool.
  • 'NoSpoolOnly' tells the Export operator to use the NoSpool method only. If NoSpool is not supported, the job terminates with an error.
VARCHAR TASMFASTFAIL = ‘value’ Optional attribute that enables FASTFAIL.
Valid values are:
  • 'Yes' or ‘Y’ = Enable FastFail feature. The job will terminate gracefully when it is supposed to be held by the database.
  • 'No' or ‘N’ = FastFail feature is not enabled (default). The job will appear to hang if the TASM rules dictate that a job should be held for any reason.
TdpId = 'dbcName' Optional attribute that specifies the name of the database machine (non-mainframe platforms) or TDP (mainframe platforms) for the Export operator job.

The dbcName can be up to 256 characters and can be a domain server name.

The dbcName is the name of the host entered in the network hosts file.

If you do not specify the value for the TdpId attribute, the operator uses the default TdpID established for the user by the system administrator.

On a mainframe, a single-character TdpId is supported. When only one character is specified, it is assumed to be an abbreviation for a four-character TdpId that begins with TDP.
TenacityHours = hours Optional attribute that specifies the number of hours that the Export operator continues trying to log on when the maximum number of Update/Export/Load jobs are already running on the database.

The default value is 4 hours. To enable the tenacity feature, hours must be greater than 0. Specifying a value of 0 will disable the tenacity feature. Specifying a value of less than 0 terminates the job.

TenacitySleep = minutes Optional attribute that specifies the number of minutes that the Export operator pauses before retrying a logon operation when the maximum number of Update/Export/Load operator jobs are already running on the database.

The minutes value must be greater than 0. If you specify a value less than 1, the Export operator responds with an error message and terminates the job. The default is 6 minutes.

TimeZoneSessInfo = 'timeZoneValue' Optional attribute that allows you to change the default time zone displacement for the duration of the operator's job session.

When you provide a value for this attribute, the operator will build the "SET TIME ZONE <timeZoneValue>;" SQL request.

The operator will send the request to the database on the SQL session after the session is connected.

The operator does not send the request on the FastExport protocol sessions, because the database does not allow the request to be sent on the FastExport protocol sessions.

Here are some examples:
  • Example 1: This example sets the session default time zone displacement to LOCAL, which is the system default time zone:

    VARCHAR TimeZoneSessInfo = 'LOCAL'

  • Example 2: This example sets the session default time zone displacement to USER, which is the default time zone for the logged on user:

    VARCHAR TimeZoneSessInfo = 'USER'

  • Example 3: This example sets the session default time zone displacement to a simple constant time zone string expression::

    VARCHAR TimeZoneSessInfo = '''America Pacific'''

    Any single quote character (') inside the value must be entered as two consecutive single quote characters in a TPT job script. This ensures the correct value will be sent to the database.
  • The operator does not validate the value for this attribute. The operator passes the value to the database as is. The database will validate the value. The operator will terminate the job with an error when the validation fails.
  • C-style comments are allowed in the value and will be passed to the database.
  • ANSI-style comments are not supported in the value. The operator will terminate the job with a syntax error when the value contains an ANSI-style comment.
  • A semicolon is not allowed in the value, because the operator allows only a single statement in the "SET TIME ZONE SQL" request. The operator will terminate the job with an operator error when the value contains a semicolon.

For more information on SET TIME ZONE SQL, see Teradata Vantage™ - SQL Data Definition Language Syntax and Examples, B035-1144.

TraceLevel = 'level' Optional attribute that specifies the types of diagnostic messages that are written by each instance of the operator to the to the public log (or private log, if one is specified using the PrivateLogName attribute). The diagnostic trace function provides more detailed information in the log file to aid in problem tracking and diagnosis. The trace levels are:
  • 'None' = TraceLevel turned off (default).
  • 'CLI' = enables the tracing function for CLI-related activities (interaction with the database)
  • 'PX' = enables the tracing function for activities related to the Teradata PT infrastructure
  • 'Oper' = enables the tracing function for operator-specific activities
  • 'Notify' = enables the tracing function for activities related to the Notify feature
  • 'All' = enables tracing for all the previous activities

The VARCHAR ARRAY can specify more than one value, for example:

VARCHAR TraceLevel = 'CLI'
VARCHAR TraceLevel = 'OPER'
VARCHAR ARRAY TraceLevel = [ 'CLI' ]
VARCHAR ARRAY TraceLevel = [ 'CLI', 'OPER' ]
The TraceLevel attribute is provided only as a diagnostic aid. The amount and type of additional information provided by this attribute will change to meet evolving needs from release to release.
TransformGroup = 'transformgroupname' Optional attribute that supports changing the active transform for Teradata Complex Data Types (CDTs). The value is the <udt name> <transform group name>, and the operator will prepend the hardcoded string "SET TRANSFORM GROUP FOR TYPE ". The syntax sent to RDBMS is as follows:
SET TRANSFORM GROUP FOR TYPE <udt name> <transform group name>;
For example:
The VARCHAR ARRAY can specify more than one value, for example:
                                'ST_GEOMETRY TD_GEO_VARCHAR'],

The operator will send the request to the database on the SQL session after the session is connected.

The operator does not send the request on the FastExport protocol sessions, because the database does not allow the request to be sent on the FastExport protocol sessions.

  • The operator does not validate the value for this attribute. The operator passes the value to the database as is. The database will validate the value. The operator will terminate the job with an error when the validation fails.
  • C-style comments are allowed in the value and will be passed to the database.
  • ANSI-style comments are not supported in the value. The operator can terminate the job with a syntax error when the value contains an ANSI-style comment.
  • A semicolon is not allowed in the value, because the operator allows only a single statement per request. The operator will terminate the job with an operator error when the value contains a semicolon.
TreatDBSRestartAsFatal= ‘option’ Optional attribute that tells the operator whether to terminate the job when a database restart occurs.
The TreatDBSRestartAsFatal values are:
  • ‘No’ (‘N’) = The operator will not terminate if a database restart occurs (default). The database restart will be treated as a retryable one.
  • ‘Yes’ (‘Y’) = The operator will terminate if a database restart occurs.
UnicodePassThrough = ‘value’ Optional attribute that tells the operator to enable or disable the Unicode Pass Through feature.
Valid values:
  • 'On' = Enable the Unicode Pass Through feature in the operator.
  • 'Off' = (Default) Disable the Unicode Pass Through feature in the operator.
When a TPT job is using the UTF8 or UTF16 session character set, the UnicodePassThrough attribute can be set to 'On' to allow the operator to export data with Unicode pass through characters.
UserName = 'userId' Attribute that specifies the user name on the database.
Use of this attribute is not compatible with some external authentication logon methods. For more information on username specification requirements, see “Logon Security” in Teradata® Parallel Transporter User Guide, B035-2445.
UserPassword = 'password' Attribute that specifies the password associated with the database user name.
Use of this attribute is not compatible with some external authentication logon methods. For more information on password specification requirements, see “Logon Security” in Teradata® Parallel Transporter User Guide, B035-2445.
VARCHAR Keyword that specifies VARCHAR as the data type of the defined attribute.
WorkingDatabase = 'databaseName' Optional attribute that specifies a database other than the logon database as the default database.

The name of the database that is specified with this attribute is used in the SQL DATABASE statement that is sent by the operator immediately after connecting the two SQL sessions.

If WorkingDatabase is not specified, the default database associated with the logged on user is assumed for all unqualified table names.