Required and Optional Attributes |MultiLoad INMOD Adapter Operator - Required and Optional Attributes - Parallel Transporter

Teradata® Parallel Transporter Reference - 20.00

Parallel Transporter
Release Number
October 2023
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

Use the attribute definition list syntax in the Teradata PT DEFINE OPERATOR statement to declare the required and optional attribute values for the MultiLoad INMOD Adapter operator.


MultiLoad INMOD Adapter Operator Attribute Descriptions 
Syntax Element Description
IndicatorMode = 'option' Optional attribute that specifies whether indicator byte(s) is included at the beginning of each record (when the MultiLoad INMOD Adapter operator is used as a producer operator).
  • 'Yes' (or 'Y') = indicator mode data
  • 'No' (or 'N') = nonindicator mode data (default)

When the MultiLoad INMOD Adapter operator is used as a filter-type operator, this is the optional attribute that specifies whether the MultiLoad routine can handle indicator byte(s).

  • 'Yes' (or 'Y') = can handle
  • 'No' (or 'N') = cannot handle (default)
InmodName = 'moduleName' Required attribute that specifies the name of the MultiLoad INMOD routine.

When you specify the name in a Teradata PT job script, it is the named routine rather than a data source that provides the input data records.

The INMOD is found in the directory defined in the system-dependent library path. Using the “./” syntax (for example ./mlinmod) indicates the directory in which the job is run.

InmodParameter = 'myParameter' Optional attribute that specifies the second parameter of the MultiLoad INMOD routines.
PrivateLogName = 'logName' Optional attribute that specifies the name of a log that is maintained by the Teradata PT Logger inside the public log. The private log contains all the diagnostic trace messages produced by the operator.

The file name is appended with the operator instance number. A “-1” be appends to the log name for instance 1. For example, if PrivateLogName = 'MLINlog', then the actual log name for instance 1 is MLINlog-1. Similarly, for instance 2, it is MLINlog-2, and so on.

The private log can be viewed using the tlogview command as follows, where jobId is the Teradata PT job name and privateLogName is the value for the operator’s PrivateLogName attribute:

tlogview -j jobid -f privatelogname

If the private log is not specified, all output is stored in the public log.

For more information about the tlogview command, see Teradata PT Utility Commands.

TraceLevel = 'level' Optional attribute that specifies the types of diagnostic messages that are written by each instance of the operator to the public log (or private log, if one is specified using the PrivateLogName attribute). The diagnostic trace function provides more detailed information in the log file to aid in problem tracking and diagnosis.

The trace levels are:

  • 'None' = Enables minimal information such as initialization, access module attach/detach operations, file opening, error messages, and statistics (number of records processed and processor time used). This is the default.
  • 'Milestones' = enables the trace function only for major events such as initialization, file openings and closings, error conditions, and so on.
  • 'IO_Counts' = enables the trace function for major events plus I/O counts
  • 'IO_Buffers' = enables the trace function for major events and I/O counts plus I/O buffers
  • 'All' = enables the trace function for major events and I/O counts and buffers plus function entries

If you use the PrivateLogFile attribute to specify a log file but do not specify the TraceLevel attribute, the following minimal statistics are displayed:

  • Name of files as they are processed
  • Notice when sending rows begins
  • Upon completion of each file, the number of rows processed and the CPU time consumed.
  • Total files processed and CPU time consumed by each instance of the DataConnector operator.
The TraceLevel attribute is provided as a diagnostic aid only. The amount and type of additional information provided by this attribute will change to meet evolving needs from release to release.

When the MultiLoad INMOD Adapter operator is used as a filter-type operator, it does not show any diagnostic messages.

VARCHAR Keyword that specifies VARCHAR as the data type of the defined attribute.