Export Operator Events - Parallel Transporter

Teradata® Parallel Transporter Reference - 20.00

Parallel Transporter
Release Number
October 2023
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The Export operator supports notify exit routines. A notify exit routine specifies a predefined action to be performed whenever certain significant events occur during a job, for example, whether a job succeeds or fails, how many records are exported, what the return code is for the failed job, and so on. Only the main instance sends a notify event.

The Export operator job accumulates operational information about specific events that occur during a job. If the Export operator job script includes the NotifyMethod attribute with the Exit method specification, then when the specific events occur, the Export operator calls the named notify exit routine and passes to it:
  • An event code to identify the event
  • Specific information about the event

The following table lists the event codes and describes the data that the Export operator passes to the notify exit routine for each event. The information in this table is also sent to the system log.

Ensure that notify exit routines ignore invalid or undefined event codes, and that they do not cause the operator to terminate abnormally.
Event Event Code Event Description and Data Passed to the Notify Exit Routine
Initialize 0 Signifies successful processing of the notify feature:
  • Version ID length—4-byte unsigned integer
  • Version ID string—32-character (maximum) array
  • Operator ID—4-byte unsigned integer
  • Operator name length—4-byte unsigned integer
  • Operator name string—32-character (maximum) array
  • User name length—4-byte unsigned integer
  • User name string—64-character (maximum) array
  • Optional string length—4-byte unsigned integer
  • Optional string—80-character (maximum) array
  • Operator handle—4-byte unsigned integer
Database Restart 9 Signifies that the Export operator received a crash message from the database or from the CLIv2:
  • No data accompanies the restart event code
CLIv2 Error 10 Signifies that the Export operator received a CLIv2 error:
  • Error code—4-byte unsigned integer
Database Error 11 Signifies that the Export operator received an error that will produce an exit code of 12:
  • Error code—4-byte unsigned integer
Not all errors cause this event. A 3807 error, for example, while trying to drop or create a table does not terminate the Export operator.
Exit 12 Signifies that the Export operator is terminating:
  • Exit code—4-byte unsigned integer
Export Begin 31 Signifies that the Export operator is about to begin the export task by opening the export file:
  • No data accompanies the export begin event code
Request Submit Begin 32 Signifies that the Export operator is about to submit the SELECT request to the database:
  • Request length—4-byte unsigned integer
  • Request text—32,000-character (maximum) array
Request Submit End 33 Signifies that the Export operator has received the response to the SELECT request:
  • Statement count—4-byte unsigned integer
  • Block count—4-byte unsigned integer
Request Fetch Begin 34 Signifies that the Export operator is about to fetch the results of the SELECT request
  • No data accompanies the request fetch begin event code
File or OUTMOD Open 35 Signifies that the Export operator is about to open an output or OUTMOD routine file
  • File name length—4-byte unsigned integer
  • File name—256-character (maximum) array
Statement Fetch Begin 36 Signifies that the Export operator is about to fetch the current statement in a request:
  • Statement number—4-byte unsigned integer
  • Block count—4-byte unsigned integer
Statement Fetch End 37 Signifies that the Export operator has fetched all the records for the current statement:
  • Record count—4-byte unsigned integer
Request Fetch End 38 Signifies that the Export operator has fetched all the records for the current request:
  • Records exported—4-byte unsigned integer
  • Records rejected—4-byte unsigned integer
Export End 39 Signifies that the Export operator has completed the export operation and displayed the number of exported records:
  • Records exported—4-byte unsigned integer
  • Records rejected—4-byte unsigned integer
Block Count 40 Signifies that the Export operator has determined the block count:
  • Block count—4-byte unsigned integer

This event is only available when the NoSpool mode is used for the answer set.

Statement Fetch End 41 Signifies that the Export operator has fetched all the records for the current statement:
  • Record count—8-byte unsigned integer

This event is only available when the value for the NotifyMethod attribute is set to 'Exit64' or 'ExitEON'.

Request Fetch End 42 Signifies that the Export operator has fetched all the records for the current request:
  • Records exported—8-byte unsigned integer
  • Records rejected—8-byte unsigned integer

This event is only available when the value for the NotifyMethod attribute is set to 'Exit64' or 'ExitEON'.

Export End 43 Signifies that the Export operator has completed the export operation and displayed the number of exported records:
  • Records exported—8-byte unsigned integer
  • Records rejected—8-byte unsigned integer

This event is only available when the value for the NotifyMethod attribute is set to 'Exit64' or 'ExitEON'.

Request Submit End 44 Signifies that the Export operator has received the response to the SELECT request:
  • Statement count—4-byte unsigned integer
  • Block count—8-byte unsigned integer

This event is only available when the value for the NotifyMethod attribute is set to 'Exit64' or 'ExitEON'.

Statement Fetch Begin 45 Signifies that the Export operator is about to fetch the current statement in a request:
  • Statement number—4-byte unsigned integer
  • Block count—8-byte unsigned integer

This event is only available when the value for the NotifyMethod attribute is set to 'Exit64' or 'ExitEON'.

Block Count 46 Signifies that the Export operator has determined the block count:
  • Block count—8-byte unsigned integer

This event is only available when the value for the NotifyMethod attribute is set to 'Exit64' or 'ExitEON'.

Initialize 47 Signifies successful processing of the notify feature:
  • Version ID length—4-byte unsigned integer
  • Version ID string—pointer to a null-terminated string
  • Operator ID—4-byte unsigned integer
  • Operator name length—4-byte unsigned integer
  • Operator name string—pointer to a null-terminated string
  • User name length—4-byte unsigned integer
  • User name string—pointer to a null-terminated string
  • Optional string length—4-byte unsigned integer
  • Optional string—pointer to a null-terminated string
  • Operator handle—4-byte unsigned integer

This event is only available when the value for the NotifyMethod attribute is set to 'ExitEON'.

The following table lists events that create notifications.

Event Notification Level Signifies
Low Medium High
Initialize Yes Yes Yes Successful processing of the notify option
Database Restart No Yes Yes A crash error from the database or CLIv2
CLIv2 Error Yes Yes Yes A CLIv2 error was encountered
Database Error Yes Yes Yes An error was encountered that terminates the Export operator
Exit Yes Yes Yes The Export operator is terminating
Export Begin No Yes Yes Opening the export file
Request Submit Begin No Yes Yes Submitting the SELECT request
Request Submit End No Yes Yes Received SELECT request response
Request Fetch Begin No Yes Yes Fetching SELECT request results
File or OUTMOD Open No No Yes Opening output file or OUTMOD
Statement Fetch Begin No No Yes Fetching current statement
Statement Fetch End No No Yes Last record fetched for current statement
Request Fetch End No Yes Yes Last record fetched for current request
Export End No Yes Yes Export task completed