Private Logs| Teradata Parallel Transporter User Guide - Private Logs - Parallel Transporter

Teradata® Parallel Transporter User Guide - 17.20

Parallel Transporter
Release Number
June 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

Private logs are automatically generated and filed by the name specified in the PrivateLogName attribute of all operator definitions (as used in the job) or by a system-generated name based on the user Id. Private logs contain more detail about job activity than public logs, and they separate activity by operator.

Private Log Contents

The private log contains the following categories of information about a job:

Log Section Heading Description
Private log PXCRM The checkpoint log for the job
Private log TWB_STATUS The log of statistical performance metadata for operations carried out by the job.
Private log TWB_SRCTGT The log of metadata for operations on the data source and data target carried out by the job.
Private log <PrivateLogName> The private log contains a log for the activity of each operator for which the PrivateLogName attribute has been specified and a name assigned as the attribute value in the operator definition.
The individual operator logs contain such informations as:
  • Operator name
  • Operator version information
  • Separate sections for each stage of operator task execution, including date/time stamps, SQL submitted, and errors encountered.

Accessing All Private Logs

To access all public and private logs for a particular Teradata PT job, enter the following tlogview command:

tlogview -j <job id>-<job sequence number> -f "*" -g
  • <job id> is the job name, if one was supplied with the tbuild command, else the userid of the user who executed the tbuild command.
  • <job sequence number> is a number generated by the Teradata PT that enumerates the Teradata PT jobs submitted under the current userid since its installation, and which appears in a console message as soon as the job starts executing.
  • “*” requests all log files. This option removes the need to request the files separately. However, it does not include the special options covered in the -v option.
  • -g requests that the private log sections be shown separately rather than interspersed.

Accessing an Individual Private Log

To access an individual private log, enter the following tlogview command:

tlogview -j <job id>-<job sequence number> -f <private log file name>


  • <job id> is the job name, if one was supplied with the tbuild command, else the userid of the user who executed the tbuild command.
  • <job sequence number> is a number generated by the Teradata PT that enumerates the Teradata PT jobs submitted under the current userid since its installation, and which appears in a console message as soon as the job starts executing.
  • <private log file name> is the script-specified value of the PrivateLogName attribute for the operator whose log file is being accessed.

Other Important tlogview Options for Viewing Logs

In addition to using tlogview to access the private logs, you can also add the following specifications to the end of the tlogview command string (in any order) to customize the log output.
  • Use -v %<option> to specify the fields in the log records that will be displayed.
  • Use -w <filter criteria> to perform filtering on log messages. Only those log messages satisfying the filter criteria will be output by tlogview. Without the -w option, tlogview will select all messages in the public or private logs.

For detailed descriptions of all tlogview options and the associated syntax requirements, see “tlogview” in the Teradata® Parallel Transporter Reference, B035-2436.

Log Directory Locations by Operating System

Output messages are stored in log files, which differ by operating system, as follows:

Operating System Location

(including AIX, Solaris running on a SPARC system, and Linux)

The default directory is: /opt/teradata/client/<version_number>/tbuild/logs

The log directory cannot be a relative directory path and the directory.

Log directory can be user-specified by modifying the LogDirectory entry in the local or global twbcfg.ini file

z/OS Logs are user-specified in the Teradata PT job JCL
The tlogview command should be run in the batch environment by the appropriate JCL. The tlogview command is packaged as a z/OS load module in a single library, a required PDS/E, as part of the SMP/E installation procedure.
Windows Default directory is: %ProgramFiles%\Teradata\Client\<version_number>\Teradata Parallel Transporter\logs

For Windows and UNIX platforms the log files are located in the logs directory, which is created during the installation in the directory where Teradata PT is installed. For example, if Teradata PT is installed under the /opt/teradata/client/<version_number>/tbuild directory, then the Teradata PT logs are stored under the /opt/Teradata/client/<version_number>/tbuild/logs directory.

The selected part of a log can be written to standard output or to an output file following a defined format.

Viewing Logs in UTF-16 Format

The UTF-16 session character set can only be specified on workstation-attached platforms.

Both private and public logs can be viewed in UTF-16 format. Use the -e option with UTF-16 as its value in the tlogview command line to display the log in UTF-16 characters. For example:

tlogview -l <job id>-<job sequence number>.out -e utf16

This tlogview command displays a public log named <job id>.<job sequence number>.out in UTF-16 format. Note that UTF-16 is the only supported value of the -e option and is case-insensitive.

Directing Log Output on z/OS Systems

For directing both private and public log output on z/OS systems, use the tbuild command’s -S option. Specify one of three parameters:
  • To specify a dsname, where dsname is the target dataset name for the logfile:
    -S  <dsname>
    A fully qualified dsname can be specified by enclosing the dsname in single quote marks.
  • The DD statement directs the log output to a dataset, where ddname is the name for the log file:
    -S DD:<ddname>
  • To specify a SYSOUT class, where classis is the SYSOUT class for the log file:
    -S  <class>

Directing Log Output on non z/OS systems

Use the tbuild command’s -L option to redirect log files to a specific location on a job-by-job basis.

-L  <jobLogDirectory>

where jobLogDirectory is the full path name of the directory in which the log file is to be stored.