Specifies the margins for the input source code.
Usage Notes
The abbreviation for MARGINS is MAR.
The following table lists codes, and the columns they specify.
Code | Column |
m | Statement-begin |
n | Statement-end |
c | Carriage control (PL/I only) |
Specified margins must agree with the columns expected by the particular language compiler.
Use MARGINS(1,n) for COBOL in the workstation-attached environment to specify to PP2 that the input file is in terminal format.
Refer to the next table for the defaults when using C, COBOL, or PL/I.
Language | Default | Notes |
C | MARGINS(1,72) | |
COBOL | MARGINS(8,72) | Cannot be changed in the IBM mainframe environment. |
PL/I | MARGINS(2,72,1) |