Specifies the userid, password, and account id on the associated server.
See the description of the TDPID(tdpid|network group name) -t tdpid|network group name.
Usage Notes
The abbreviation for USERID is USER.
If supplied, the userid, password, and accountid must obey the usual rules for a logon string.
Specification of this option does not affect, nor is related to, the connection established during application execution.
If SQLCHECK is specified with a value other than NOSYNTAX, a hardware platform for the database must be available to PP2.
If the USERID option value contains any Kanji or other multibyte character set characters, specify the CHARSET option before the USERID option.
If the USERID option is not specified or one of the required elements is absent (userid or password) when running PP2 in the IBM mainframe environment, PP2 attempts an implicit connection to the database, if possible. See Teradata® Call-Level Interface Version 2 Reference for Mainframe-Attached Systems, B035-2417 for more information on implicit connection.
Always supply the userid and password when running PP2 in a workstation-attached environment: workstation-attached environments do not support implicit logon.
Single Sign On (Windows Platforms Only)
- Omission of the USERID (-u ) PP2 option
- Specification of the userid option with only the accounting data supplied
For more information, see “Creating A User for Single Sign-On” and “LOGON Statement” in Teradata Vantage™ - SQL Data Definition Language Syntax and Examples, B035-1144.