For more information about Teradata Access Module for Kafka, see Teradata® Tools and Utilities Access Module Reference, B035-2425.
- Open a command prompt.
- Create a database username and password.
- Change directory to TTU_install_directory/sample/validate.
- Run the command ./kafkaaxsmod_validate.ksh <NODEID> <UserName> <UserPassword> <TOPICNAME> <BROKER> <PARTITIONS> where the following is true:
- <NODEID> is a database name id.
- <UserName> is database User Name.
- <TOPICNAME> is a Kafka Message Server topic name.
- <BROKER> is a kafka Message Server Broker, e.g., KAFKASERVERIPADDRESS:PORTNO.
- <PARTITIONS> is partitions of the topic, e.g., 0,1.
The script executes kafkaaxsmod_qstart.tpt in the quickstart directory.
Make sure Teradata Parallel Transporter is installed on the system.