Input Table | Description |
InputTable | Table containing columns of data to score. |
ModelTable | Table containing one column identifying each model and a model column that stores each DataRobot model as a BLOB. When ModelTable contains more than one model, you must use a SELECT query with a WHERE clause to select the model, otherwise an error occurs.
ModelTable must be specified as DIMENSION, otherwise an error occurs. |
Date type requirements
The DataRobot scoring library requires date types to be in the same format as the one used to train the DataRobot model. You must convert the InputTable columns containing DATE or TIMESTAMP types to character type.
You can do this by forcing a FORMAT on CAST to convert DATE to character or using the TO_CHAR function in the column with DATE or TIMESTAMP from the input table.
For example, if a model has a feature BestDate whose train data in the DataRobot AI platform was in the format of MM/dd/yyyy (05/24/2022) and the Teradata table contains the column BestDate of DATE type, it can be cast to Character using TO_CHAR. For more information, see Teradata Vantage™ - SQL Functions, Expressions, and Predicates.
SELECT * FROM TD_mldb.DataRobotPredict( ON ( SELECT wine_id, winetype, total_sulfur_dioxide, free_sulfur_dioxide, fixed_acidity, volatile_acidity, alcohol, citric_acid, residual_sugar, quality, chlorides, density, pH, sulphates, grapes, TO_CHAR(BestDate, 'MM/dd/yyyy') BestDate, FROM wines_date ) AS InputTable ON ( SELECT * FROM datarobot_models WHERE model_id = 'dr_wi_rf_type1datestimes' ) AS ModelTable DIMENSION USING Accumulate('wine_id') ) AS td;
If a model has the feature BestDateTime whose train data in the DataRobot AI platform was in the format MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm (05/24/2022 23:45) and the Teradata InputTable contains the column BestDateTime of TIMESTAMP type, it can be cast by forcing a FORMAT on CAST for converting DATE to Character.
SELECT * FROM TD_mldb.DataRobotPredict( ON ( SELECT wine_id, winetype, total_sulfur_dioxide, free_sulfur_dioxide, fixed_acidity, volatile_acidity, alcohol, citric_acid, residual_sugar, quality, chlorides, density, pH, sulphates, grapes, CAST(CAST(BestDateTime AS FORMAT 'MM/DD/YYBHH:MI') AS CHAR(20)) BestDateTime, FROM wines_date ) AS InputTable ON ( SELECT * FROM datarobot_models WHERE model_id = 'dr_wi_rf_type1datestimes' ) AS ModelTable DIMENSION USING Accumulate('wine_id') ) AS td;
For more information, see the format_arg information in Teradata Vantage™ - SQL Functions, Expressions, and Predicates.