When Model Contains Only One Model
SELECT * FROM [schema.]ONNXPredict( ON table|view|query [ as InputTable ] ON table|view|query [ as ModelTable DIMENSION ] //current model USING Accumulate(column|columns|'*') [ ModelInputFieldsMap('onnxInputname=column_names|column_range' [,...] ) ] [ ShowModelInputFieldsMap({'true'|'t'|'yes'|'y'|'1'|'false'|'f'|'no'|'n'|'0'}) ] [ ModelOutputFields(modelOutputField|modelOutputFields) ] [ OverwriteCachedModel(current_cached_model_name|'*'|'true'|'t'|'yes'|'y'|'1'|'false'|'f'|'no'|'n'|'0')] ) as alias ;
The syntax of column_range is:
'start_column:end_column'The range includes endpoints. The start and end columns can be one of the following:
- Column names (for example, 'column1:column2')
Column names can only contain letters in the English alphabet, digits, and special characters.
- Nonnegative integers that represent the indexes of columns in the table (for example, '[1:5]')
Since the first column has index 1, '[1:5]' specifies the first five columns in the table.
- Empty
For example:
- '[:4]' specifies all columns up to and including the column with index 4
- '[4:]' specifies the column with index 4 and all columns after it
- '[:]' specifies all columns in the table
When Model Table Contains Multiple Models
SELECT * FROM [schema.]ONNXPredict ( ON { table | view | (query) } as InputTable ON (SELECT*FROM [table | view | {query}) WHERE model_id = model_identifier) [ AS ModelTable ] DIMENSION USING Accumulate(column|columns|'*') [ ModelInputFieldsMap('onnxInputname=column_names|column_range' [,...] ) ] [ ShowModelInputFieldsMap({'true'|'t'|'yes'|'y'|'1'|'false'|'f'|'no'|'n'|'0'}) ] [ ModelOutputFields(modelOutputField|modelOutputFields) ] [ OverwriteCachedModel(current_cached_model_name|'*'|'true'|'t'|'yes'|'y'|'1'|'false'|'f'|'no'|'n'|'0')] [ IsDebug({'true'|'false'}) ] ) as alias ;