Output Table Schema
Column | Data Type | Description |
accumulate_column | Same as in InputTable. | Column copied from InputTable. Appears once for each specified accumulate_column. |
prediction | VARCHAR | Value in prediction field of result column in json_report. Appears only if result column in json_report has prediction field. If the scoring performed with a classification model does not return a predicted value, the prediction output column could be empty. If the scoring is performed on regression or models which result in a single field, the prediction column will contain a value. |
json_report | VARCHAR | Scoring results as JSON string. Appears only if you omit ModelOutputFields. |
model_output_field | VARCHAR or DOUBLE PRECISION | Value of PMML output field. Appears once for each specified model_output_field. Simple or complex (array or map) model_output_field is represented as string. |