ModelTable: boston_trans_normcont_model.R
library(pmml) library(MASS)
dataBox <- xform_wrap(Boston)
# Normalize all numeric variables of the loaded boston dataset to lie between 0 and 1.
dataBox <- xform_min_max(dataBox)
#include only derived fields for modeling
#last element derived_medv index
last = length(names(dataBox$data))
#create dataset without original predictors 1-13 and last derived_medv
#to train model
dataset <- dataBox$data[-c(1:13, eval(last))]
fit <- randomForest(medv ~ ., data=na.omit(dataset), ntree=50)
tpmml <- pmml(fit, transforms = dataBox)
Query that Calls PMMLPredict Function
SELECT * from mldb.PMMLPredict (
ON boston_test
ON (SELECT * FROM pmml_models
WHERE model_id='boston_trans_normcont_model') DIMENSION
Accumulate ('id')
) AS td;
Query Output
*** Query completed. 101 rows found. 3 columns returned.
*** Total elapsed time was 1 second.
id prediction json_report
----------- ------------------------- -------------------------------------
265 35.28476666666667 {"Predicted_medv":35.28476666666667}
80 20.683633333333333 {"Predicted_medv":20.683633333333333}
305 34.60083333333333 {"Predicted_medv":34.60083333333333}
345 30.106199999999998 {"Predicted_medv":30.106199999999998}
120 19.648199999999992 {"Predicted_medv":19.648199999999992}
385 8.790796296296296 {"Predicted_medv":8.790796296296296}
160 24.611733333333323 {"Predicted_medv":24.611733333333323}
200 33.89993333333334 {"Predicted_medv":33.89993333333334}
425 13.232299999999999 {"Predicted_medv":13.232299999999999}
240 24.894433333333332 {"Predicted_medv":24.894433333333332}
465 21.6355619047619 {"Predicted_medv":21.6355619047619}