Issue | Resolution |
Errors starting the kernel | Always be sure your PATH is set correctly as directed by Jupyter installation instructions, any Jupyter pre-requisite software, and as noted in the Manual Installation instruction sections. Errors starting the kernel may be the result of missing or misspelled directories in the PATH. |
Confirm that kernel is executable | After extracting the files from the .zip file, confirm that the kernel binary is executable. Once the directory to the kernel is in your PATH you can type the command: teradatakernel -h to confirm the kernel is executable. |
Wrong environment activated when running JupyterLab | If you use a packaging tool to install JupyterLab and the Teradata SQL extensions which supports different environments, be sure to activate the correct environment each time you run JupyterLab. |
Kernel not started | When you open a Teradata SQL notebook you should see Terdata SQL in the upper right corner. This tells you the Teradata SQL kernel is running. If no kernel appears or you get no response when using any of the magic commands, your kernel has not started. |
Navigator does not start correctly on Windows | When running on Windows, if the navigator does not start correctly (for example, no drop down displayed, etc.) you may need to manually downgrade a Python package called tornado to version 4.5.3. The command to install a specific version of tornado depends on the packaging tool you used to install JupyterLab. |
On Windows, new version of extensions not picked up | On Windows, if you detect that the new versions of the extensions are not running in JupyterLab, the old extensions may still be cached. Stop JupyterLab and run the following commands: jlpm cache clean npm cache clean --force Then re-install the latest extensions. |
On macOS, if the instructions for removing the quarantine attribute not followed, a dialog box message appears and the kernel does not start. | Double check that you have removed the quarantine attribute that macOS automatically applies to downloaded files, using the following commands:
Trouble loading extensions | You must have external network access enabled for npm to install the extensions. If this access is blocked by a firewall, enable the firewall before you install the extensions. |