- If the Teradata Notification Service is running on a Windows server, stop this service.
- If the backup files are located on network storage or on a third-party application backup server, do the following:
- Copy the backup files to /data/backup on the Viewpoint server being restored.
- Make sure the directory and file permissions within /data/restore are readable by the postgres Linux user.
- Run the /opt/teradata/viewpoint/bin/restore.sh script.
- Validate that the script completed successfully by looking for the message: Restore or migration performed successfully. If historical data is also being restored or migrated, progress of this operation can be viewed in the portal's notification bar.If the restoration process fails, an error message is displayed instead of the success message.
- If a warning message appears in the notification bar with the message Tables were skipped during migration…, do the following:
- Open restoreFailedFilesList.json from /etc/opt/teradata/Viewpoint.
- Get the list of files which failed during restore from /data/backup.
- Delete the files in the failed list from /data/backup.
- Take a fresh backup.
- Run the restore script with the Full restore option.
- Provide y to the command prompt to restore only on the failed files from previous restore.Another prompt appears as following:
Verify if fresh backup of the files are taken. Do you want to continue the restore process on failed list of files?
- Provide y. If the restoration process succeeds, a success message appears.The restoreFailedFilesList.json gets updated with every restore.
- If the restoration process fails or is interrupted in any manner, fix the problem that caused the failure and perform these steps again.
- If you want the Teradata Notification Service to run on a Windows server, start this service.