Add or Edit Action Set | Teradata Viewpoint - Adding and Editing Action Sets - Teradata Viewpoint - Teradata Workload Management

Teradata® Viewpoint User Guide - 23.04

Teradata Viewpoint
Teradata Workload Management
Release Number
April 2023
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
Alert actions can be combined into action sets. An action set enables you to run multiple alert actions in a single operation.
You must define alert delivery settings by selecting Delivery Settings from the Setup Options list, and then selecting the appropriate option under Delivery Types or Notification Service before you can create action sets that use those alert actions.

Any disabled components are highlighted in red on the actions set configuration screen. You can configure action sets with disabled components, but disabled delivery types will not be executed. To enable a disabled component, select Delivery Settings from the Setup Options list, and then under the Delivery Types or Notification Service list select the Enable check box for the disabled components.

  1. From the Setup Options list, select Alert Presets.
  2. From the Preset Options list, select Action Sets.
  3. From the Action Sets list, do one of the following:
    • Select "" to add an action set.
    • Select "" in the row of the action set you want to copy.
    • Select the name of the action set you want to edit.
  4. In the Action Set Name box, type a name.
  5. Under Times, select the applicable check boxes to run the action set at the hours defined in Core Hours under the Preset Options list.
  6. Under Actions, select the check box for any of the following:
    Action Description
    Include in Alert Viewer Logs the alert details so you can view alerts for this action set in the Alert Viewer portlet.
    Email recipients Designates the recipient of an email alert as a Viewpoint user, Viewpoint role, or email address.
    • Select Bcc to hide the recipients.
    • Select To to make all recipients visible in the email notification.
    • Use semicolons to separate multiple recipients and use any combination of user, role, or email addresses.

    The Email recipients action is available if you configured the email settings in Delivery Settings > Email.

    SNMP Lists the SNMP configurations that are defined under Delivery Types.
    • Select an SNMP configuration from the list.

    The SNMP action is available if you configured the SNMP settings in Delivery Settings > SNMP.

    SQL Lists the SQL queries defined under Delivery Types.
    1. From the Query list, select a query and from the TDPID list, do one of the following:
      • Select the TDPID of the database on which to run the SQL query, regardless of which system generated the alert.
      • Select Get from alert to run the SQL query on any database that generated the alert.

        For Get from alert option, the TDPID must be defined in the Alert Setup and Monitored Systems portlets. If the system is not defined, the alert service writes the failed login attempt to /var/opt/teradata/cam/alert/logs/alertservice.log on the Viewpoint server.

    The SQL action is available if you configured a SQL query and a Teradata login.

    BTEQ Lists the BTEQ scripts that are located on the Windows or Linux system that is hosting the Teradata Notification Service.
    1. From the Location list, select a location from where the script is run.
    2. From the Script list, select BTEQ and from the TDPID list, do one of the following:
      • Select the TDPID of the database on which to run the BTEQ script, regardless of which system generated the alert.
      • Select Get from alert to run the BTEQ script on any database that generated the alert.

        For Get from alert option, the TDPID must be defined in the Alert Setup and Monitored Systems portlets. If the system is not defined, the alert service writes the failed login attempt to /var/opt/teradata/cam/alert/logs/alertservice.log on the Viewpoint server.

    The BTEQ action is available if these conditions are met:
    • The BTEQ delivery settings are configured in the Alert Setup portlet in Delivery Settings > Teradata Login.
    • The Teradata Notification Service must be installed and running on the Windows or Linux server.
    • The BTEQ script is located on the Windows server at: InstallFolder\Teradata\Client\16.20\Teradata Notification Service\sql . It is located on the Linux server at: /opt/teradata/client/cam/tdnotification/sql.
    Run a program Lists the programs and batch files located on the Windows and Linux servers that run the Teradata Notification Service.
    1. From the Location list, select the location where the program is located.
    2. From the Program list, select the program or batch file to run.
    3. In the Arguments box, type any command line arguments you want to pass as part of the alert.

    For example, if the batch file on the Windows server is currentSpace.bat and the batch file takes arguments -db for the name of the database and -sp for the percentage of space used, you can type -db TEST1 -sp 90 in the Arguments box. This specifies that the batch file runs with TEST1 as the database name, and 90 as the percentage of space used.

    Run a program is available if the following conditions are met:
    • The Teradata Notification Service is installed and running on the Windows or Linux server.
    • The program or batch file is located on the Windows server at: InstallFolder\Teradata\Client\16.20\Teradata Notification Service\usrcmd . It is located on the Linux server at: /opt/teradata/client/cam/tdnotification/usrcmd.
  7. Click Apply.