Hadoop Alert Metrics and Properties | Teradata Viewpoint - Hadoop Alert Metrics and Properties - Teradata Viewpoint - Teradata Workload Management

Teradata® Viewpoint User Guide - 23.04

Teradata Viewpoint
Teradata Workload Management
Release Number
April 2023
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
These metrics are available for Hadoop alerts. The associated property names allow you to customize alert actions in the Alert Setup portlet or customize the message in the Monitored Systems portlet.
Unless otherwise indicated, metrics are common to both HDP 2.1 and later and HDP 1.3.

Metrics for HDFS Alert Types

Metric Description Property Name
Blocks Corrupt Number of blocks whose replicas are all corrupt corruptBlocks
Blocks Excess Number of blocks that exceed their target replication for the file they belong to excessBlocks
Blocks Missing Number of blocks with no replicas anywhere in the cluster missingBlocks
Blocks Pending Deletion Number of blocks waiting for deletion pendingDeletionBlocks
Blocks Pending Replication Number of blocks waiting to be replicated pendingReplicationBlocks
Blocks Scheduled for Replication Number of blocks scheduled for replication scheduledReplicationBlocks
Blocks Under Replicated Number of blocks that do not meet their target replication for the file they belong to underReplicatedBlocks
Disk Capacity Used Number of bytes of disk space currently used by HDFS capacityUsed
Disk Usage Percentage of available disk space used by HDFS hfdsDiskUsage
Files + Directories Total number of files and directories in HDFS filesTotal
Total Load Number of connections to HDFS totalLoad

Metrics for YARN Alert Types (HDP 2.1 and later)

Metric Description Property Name
Applications Running Number of YARN applications currently executing appsRunning
Cluster Memory Allocated Percent of the available memory allocated across all NodeManager instances clusterMemUsed
Containers Allocated Number of YARN containers currently allocated allocatedContainers

Metrics for MapReduce Alert Types (HDP 1.3)

Metric Description Property Name
Jobs Running Number of jobs currently executing on the system jobsRunning
Map Tasks Running Number of map tasks running runningMaps
Map Tasks Waiting Number of map tasks queued to run waitingMaps
Reduce Tasks Running Number of reduce tasks running runningReduces
Reduce Tasks Waiting Number of reduce tasks queued to run waitingReduces

Metrics for System Alert Types

Metric Description Property Name
CPU Idle Percentage of CPU time not processing any commands and the system not having an outstanding disk I/O request cpuIdle
CPU Nice Percentage of CPU time spent executing at the user level with nice priority cpuNice
CPU Skew Comparison of CPU use on the busiest node to the average node cpuSkew
CPU System Percentage of CPU time spent running kernel code cpuSystem
CPU Usage The sum of the CPU user and CPU system usage percentages. cpuUse
CPU User Percentage of CPU time spent running non-kernel code cpuUser
CPU Wait I/O Percentage of CPU time spent waiting for I/O cpuWio
Disk Skew Comparison of disk space on the fullest node to the average node diskSkew
Disk Use Percentage of disk space being used on a system diskUse
Load average last 15 minutes Average number of jobs in the job queue over the last 15 minutes loadFifteen
Load average last 5 minutes Average number of jobs in the job queue over the last 5 minutes loadFive
Load average last minute Average number of jobs in the job queue over the last minute loadOne
Memory Usage Average memory use of the system during a sample period memUse
Network In Rate of incoming network traffic in bytes per second bytesIn
Network Out Rate of outgoing network traffic in bytes per second bytesOut

Metrics for System Health Alert Types

Metric Description Property Name
Health Name of the system health state health