Metrics for Node and Vproc Alert Types
Metric | Description | Property Name |
AMP CPU Skew (system level) | Comparison of CPU use on the busiest AMP to the average AMP on the system | ampCpuSkew |
AMP CPU Usage (system level) | Average percent of CPU usage of all online AMPs in the configuration on the system | aveAmpCpuUsage |
AMP Disk Usage (system level) | Average percent of disk usage of all online AMPs in the configuration on the system | aveAmpDiskUsage |
Available AWT | Total available AMP worker tasks | availableAWTCount |
CIC Usage | Percent of Channel Interface Controller usage for this resource | cicUse |
CPU Usage | Percent of CPU usage that is not idle (includes system CPU and user CPU) | cpuUse |
Disk I/O | Number of disk I/Os | diskIO |
Disk Out Req Avg | Average number of outstanding disk requests for this resource | diskOutReqAvg |
Host I/O | Number of host I/Os | hostIO |
Message Count | Messages waiting on the vproc | msgCount |
Net A Usage | Percent of CPU usage that is not Total BYNET utilization (BYNET receiver usage) | netAUse |
Net A Usage (system level) | Total BYNET utilization (average of the online BYNETs) on the system | systemNetAUse |
Node CPU Skew (system level) | Comparison of CPU use on the busiest node to the average node on the system | nodeCpuSkew |
Node CPU Usage (system level) | Average percent of CPU usage of all online nodes in the configuration on the system | aveNodeCpuUsage |
Node Disk Usage (system level) | Average percent of disk usage of all online nodes in the configuration on the system | aveNodeDiskUsage |
PE CPU Usage (system level) | Average percent of CPU usage of all online PEs in the configuration on the system | avePeCpuUsage |
Status | Status of the node or vproc, where U means the resource is up and D means the resource is down With the is equal to comparison operator, The existing vproc status alerts starting with U/u and D/d migrate to U and D respectively.
status |
Swaps | Total number of swap reads and swap writes | swaps |
Total Sessions | Number of sessions logged in to the PE | sessLogCount |
CPU I/O Wait | Percentage of highest CPU I/O wait on node | percntKernel |
The following metrics are not available in the dialog box, but can be entered in the message included with the alert by using the property name with the syntax ${alertProperty}. These properties can also be used to customize alert actions in the Alert Setup portlet.
Metric | Description | Property Name |
ID | ID of the process | procId |
Node ID | ID of the node | nodeId |
Vproc Number | Number of the vproc | vprocNo |
Metrics for Database Space Alert Types
Metric | Description | Property Name |
Current Perm % | Percentage of the total permanent disk space the database is currently using (Current Perm divided by Max Perm) | spaceUsedPct |
Current Perm Max % | Current Perm Max * Number of Vprocs / Max Perm | maxSpaceUsedPct |
Current Spool Space % | Percentage of total temporary spool space the database is currently using (Current Spool divided by Max Spool) | currentSpoolPer |
Effective Perm Space % | Larger of two values: Percentage of perm space used, accounting for the configured skew limit, on the highest utilized AMP or percentage of Perm space used in the database as a whole. | effectivePermSpace |
Peak Spool Space % | Highest percentage of total temporary spool space the database has used (Peak Spool divided by Max Spool) | peakSpoolPer |
The following metric is not available in the dialog box, but can be entered in the message included with the alert by using the property name with the syntax ${alertProperty}. These properties can also be used to customize alert actions in the Alert Setup portlet.
Metric | Description | Property Name |
Database Name | Name of the database | databaseName |
Metrics for Session Alert Types
Metric | Description | Property Name |
Account | Account from which a query was submitted | userAccount |
Active Time | Amount of time the query has been running | activeTime |
AMP CPU | Current elapsed CPU time, in seconds, used on all AMPs by the associated session for executing requests | ampCPUSec |
AMP I/O | Current number of logical Reads and Writes issued across all AMPs by the associated session | ampIO |
Blocked Time | How long the query has been blocked | blockedTime |
Connection Time | How long the session has been connected | timeLoggedOn |
CPU delta | Total CPU usage time consumed, in seconds, since the last sample | deltaCPU |
CPU Skew | CPU skew during the last sample | cpuSkew |
Defer Time | Amount of time a session has been deferred by Arrival Rate Meter rules | deferTime |
Delay Time | Amount of time a session has been delayed by utility, system throttle, workload throttle, or workload group throttle rules | delayTime |
Delta I/O | I/O count since the last sample | deltaIO |
Host ID | Host ID or LAN ID associated with the PE that processed the login request for the session | hostId |
Hot AMP CPU | CPU time of the highest CPU utilized AMP during the collection interval | hotAmp1CPU |
Impact CPU | The total CPU seconds consumed across all AMP's that are active for a session | impactCPU |
Idle Time | How long the query has been idle | idleTime |
Logon Source | Logon source containing the application ID and client ID | logonSource |
Partition | Partition to which the session is connected (SQL, CONSOLE, MONITOR) | partName |
Request AMP CPU | Current elapsed CPU time, in seconds, used on all AMPs by the current request | requestAmpCPU |
Request AMP I/O | Current number of logical Reads and Writes issued across all AMPs by the current request | requestAmpIO |
Responding Time | How long a completed query is taking to send (respond) spooled data back to the user | respondingTime |
Sessions Per User | Number of sessions logged in under this username | sessionsForUser |
Spool Space | Amount of spool space used across all AMPs by this request | requestAmpSpool |
Utility Session | Session from one of the Teradata utilities, indicated by True and False | utility |
The following metrics are not available in the dialog box, but can be entered in the message included with the alert by using the property name with the syntax ${alertProperty}. These properties can also be used to customize alert actions in the Alert Setup portlet.
Metric | Description | Property Name |
Blocking Session Number 1 | Session ID of the first blocking query | blk1SessNo |
Blocking Session Number 2 | Session ID of the second blocking query | blk2SessNo |
Blocking Session Number 3 | Session ID of the third blocking query | blk3SessNo |
Blocking User Name 1 | Name of the user running the first blocking query | blk1Username |
Blocking User Name 2 | Name of the user running the second blocking query | blk2Username |
Blocking User Name 3 | Name of the user running the third blocking query | blk3Username |
Session Number | Number of the session | sessionNo |
User | User of the session | userName |
Metrics for System Alert Types
Metric | Description | Property Name |
AMP CPU Skew | Comparison of CPU use on the busiest AMP to the average AMP | ampCpuSkew |
AMP CPU Usage | Average percent of CPU usage of all online AMPs in the configuration | aveAmpCpuUsage |
Blocked Sessions | Total number of blocked sessions | blockedSessions |
Net A Usage | Total BYNET utilization (average of the online BYNETs) on the system | netAUse |
Node CPU Skew | Comparison of CPU use on the busiest node to the average node | nodeCpuSkew |
Node CPU Usage | Average percent of CPU usage of all online nodes in the configuration | aveNodeCpuUsage |
Node Disk Usage | Average percent of disk usage of all online nodes in the configuration | aveNodeDiskUsage |
PE CPU Usage | Average percent of CPU usage of all online PEs in the configuration | avePeCpuUsage |
Total Sessions | Total number of logged in sessions | totalSessions |
Metrics for System Health Alert Types
Metric | Description | Property Name |
Health | Name of the system health state | health |
Metrics for Table Space Alert Types
Metric | Description | Property Name |
Current Perm | Amount of permanent disk space the DBC.TransientJournal table is currently using | totalSize |
Skew | Percentage of uneven distribution of disk space used for the DBC.TransientJournal table across all AMPs | skewPct |
Metrics for Canary Queries Alert Types
Metric | Description | Property Name |
Canary Query ID | ID of the canary query | canaryId |
Login Timeout Occurred | Timeout for the login, indicated by True or False | loginTimeoutOccurred |
Query Name | Name of the query | queryName |
Response Time | Number of milliseconds it took for the canary query to return a response | responseTime |