Database Metrics
Metric | Description | Type |
Current Perm | Sum of the current amount of permanent space (disk space) used across all vprocs | Number |
Current Perm Max | Maximum permanent space used on a single vproc | Number |
Current Perm Min | Minimum permanent space used on a single vproc | Number |
Current Spool | Sum of the current amount of spool space (disk space) used across all vprocs | Number |
Current Spool Max | Maximum spool space used on a single vproc | Number |
Current Spool Min | Minimum spool space used on a single vproc | Number |
Current Temp | Sum of the current amount of temporary space (disk space) used across all vprocs | Number |
Current Temp Max | Maximum temporary space used on a single vproc | Number |
Current Temp Min | Minimum temporary space used on a single vproc | Number |
Peak Perm | Sum of the largest amount of permanent space used across all vprocs since the last reset of the peak perm value | Number |
Peak Perm Max | Maximum of the largest amount of permanent space used on a single vproc since the last reset | Number |
Peak Perm Min | Minimum of the largest amount of permanent space used on a single vproc since the last reset | Number |
Peak Spool | Sum of the largest amount of spool used across all vprocs since the last reset of the peak perm value | Number |
Peak Spool Max | Maximum of the largest amount of spool used on a single vproc since the last reset | Number |
Peak Spool Min | Minimum of the largest amount of spool used on a single vproc since the last reset | Number |
Peak Temp | Sum of the largest amount of temporary space used across all vprocs since the last reset of the peak perm value | Number |
Peak Temp Max | Maximum of the largest amount of temporary space used on a single vproc since the last reset | Number |
Peak Temp Min | Minimum of the largest amount of temporary space used on a single vproc since the last reset | Number |
Perm Limit | Maximum space available for permanent space storage of all index tables, data tables, subtables, stored procedures, triggers, and permanent journals | Number |
Spool Limit | Maximum space available for storage of spool database objects | Number |
Temp Limit | Maximum space available for storage of temporary database objects | Number |
Performance Metrics
Metric | Description | Type |
Blocking Duration | Total time the heartbeat query is blocked | Number |
Concurrency | Average number of active tasks running on Analytics Database while the heartbeat query is running | Number |
Response Time | Average response time of the selected canary query | Number |
Retrieve Time | Average time to retrieve all results | Number |
Rows Returned | Average number of rows returned by the selected canary query | Number |
Total Time | Combined response time and retrieve time | Number |
Query Metrics
Metric | Description | Type |
Abort Total | Total aborted queries | Number |
Active AMPs Avg | Average number of active AMPs | Number |
Active AMPs Max | Maximum number of active AMPs | Number |
Active AMPs Min | Minimum number of active AMPs | Number |
Active AMPs Stddev | Standard deviation of active AMPs | Number |
AMP CPU Skew Avg | Average percent of AMP CPU skew | Percent |
AMP CPU Skew Max | Maximum percent of AMP CPU skew | Percent |
AMP CPU Skew Min | Minimum percent of AMP CPU skew | Percent |
AMP CPU Skew Stddev | Standard deviation percent of AMP CPU skew | Percent |
AMP I/O Skew Avg | Average percent AMP I/O skew | Percent |
AMP I/O Skew Max | Maximum percent AMP I/O skew | Percent |
AMP I/O Skew Min | Minimum percent AMP I/O skew | Percent |
AMP I/O Skew Stddev | Standard deviation of AMP I/O skew | Percent |
Cache Total | Total queries found in step cache | Number |
Concurrency | Average number of queries executing simultaneously during the hour | Number |
Delay Time Avg | Average query delay time | Number |
Delay Time Max | Maximum query delay time | Number |
Delay Time Min | Minimum query delay time | Number |
Delay Time Stddev | Standard deviation of query delay time | Number |
First Response Time Avg | Average time it takes to receive the first response | Number |
First Response Time Max | Maximum time it takes to receive the first response | Number |
First Response Time Min | Minimum time it takes to receive the first response | Number |
First Response Time Stddev | Standard deviation of time it takes to receive the first response | Number |
Max Steps in Parallelism Avg | Average number of level-2 query steps executed in parallel | Number |
Max Steps in Parallelism Max | Maximum number of level-2 query steps executed in parallel | Number |
Max Steps in Parallelism Min | Minimum number of level-2 query steps executed in parallel | Number |
Max Steps in Parallelism Stddev | Standard deviation of number of level-2 query steps executed in parallel | Number |
Number of Steps Avg | Average number of query steps | Number |
Number of Steps Max | Maximum number of query steps | Number |
Number of Steps Min | Minimum number of query steps | Number |
Number of Steps Stddev | Standard deviation of number of query steps | Number |
Query Count | Queries logged in dbc.QryLog, or the sum of Querycount from dbc.QryLogsummary during the sample period | Number |
Query Seconds Avg | Average query run time | Number |
Query Seconds Max | Maximum query run time | Number |
Query Seconds Min | Minimum query run time | Number |
Query Seconds Stddev | Standard deviation of query run time | Number |
Result Rows Avg | Average number of result rows for the query | Number |
Result Rows Max | Maximum number of result rows for the query | Number |
Result Rows Min | Minimum number of result rows for the query | Number |
Result Rows Stddev | Standard deviation of number of result rows for the query | Number |
Spool Usage Avg | Average amount of spool the query used | Number |
Spool Usage Max | Maximum amount of spool the query used | Number |
Spool Usage Min | Minimum amount of spool the query used | Number |
Spool Usage Stddev | Standard deviation of amount of spool the query used | Number |
Steps with Parallelism Avg | Average number of query steps with parallel steps | Number |
Steps with Parallelism Max | Maximum number of query steps with parallel steps | Number |
Steps with Parallelism Min | Minimum number of query steps with parallel steps | Number |
Steps with Parallelism Stddev | Standard deviation of number of query steps with parallel steps | Number |
Total CPU Time Avg | Average CPU time. CPU time is calculated as the total AMP CPU time plus the total parser and dispatcher CPU time for the query. | Number |
Total CPU Time Max | Maximum CPU time. CPU time is calculated as the total AMP CPU time plus the total parser and dispatcher CPU time for the query. | Number |
Total CPU Time Min | Minimum CPU time. CPU time is calculated as the total AMP CPU time plus the total parser and dispatcher CPU time for the query. | Number |
Total CPU Time Stddev | Standard deviation of CPU time. CPU time is calculated as the total AMP CPU time plus the total parser and dispatcher CPU time for the query. | Number |
Total I/O Count Avg | Average I/O count for the query | Number |
Total I/O Count Max | Maximum I/O count for the query | Number |
Total I/O Count Min | Minimum I/O count for the query | Number |
Total I/O Count Stddev | Standard deviation of I/O count for the query | Number |
Warning Total | Total queries with warnings | Number |
System Metrics
Metric | Description | Type |
Active Sessions | Sessions with active queries | Number |
AMP CPU Skew | Comparison of CPU use on the busiest AMP to the average AMP | Percent |
AMP I/O Skew | Comparison of disk use on the busiest AMP to the average AMP | Percent |
Average Memory Available | Average approximate free memory, as reported by the Linux “free” command, across all nodes | Number |
AWT | Average number of AMP worker tasks in use on each AMP | Number |
Components | Components, such as BYNETs or AMPs, that are down | Number |
CPU | Average node CPU use. CPU is calculated as the sum of the user CPU and system CPU usage percentages. | Percent |
CPU AWT Processing | CPU resources spent processing an AMP worker task. Normalized by multiplying the value returned from Analytics Database by the number of physical CPUs on the associated node of the AWT. | Percent |
CPU/Disk Ratio | Ratio of CPU use to disk use. Calculated as the node CPU time divided by the physical disk usage. | Percent |
CPU Dispatcher Processing | CPU resources spent in PE Dispatcher processing | Percent |
DBC Disk Space | Available DBC disk space in use | Percent |
Disk I/O | Disk I/Os | Number |
Disk Reads | Total physical disk reads per system during the sample period | Number |
Disk Usage | Disk use on the system | Percent |
Disk Writes | Total physical disk writes per system during the sample period | Number |
FSG Cache Miss | Percentage of FSG cache misses. Calculated as physical I/Os divided by logical I/Os. | Percent |
Host Block Reads | Total message blocks (one or more messages sent in one physical group) received from all clients | Number |
Host Block Writes | Total message blocks sent to all hosts | Number |
Index Ratio | Percentage of index hits. Calculated as the index I/Os divided by the data block I/Os. | Percent |
Logical MB/Sec | Logical I/O of the system in megabytes per second | Number |
Max Disk Space By AMP | Available disk space currently in use | Percent |
Max Spool Space By AMP | Available spool space in use | Percent |
Minimum Memory Available | Minimum approximate free memory, as reported by the Linux “free” command, across all nodes. The value is from the node with the least free memory. | Number |
Net A Usage | Percent of BYNET A usage (BYNET receiver usage) | Percent |
Net Reads | Total reads from the BYNET during the sample period | Number |
Net Writes | Total messages written to the BYNET during the sample period | Number |
Node CPU Skew | Comparison of CPU use on the busiest node to the average node | Percent |
Node CPU Usage | Average percent of CPU usage of all online nodes in the configuration | Percent |
Node I/O Skew | Comparison of disk use on the busiest node to the average node | Percent |
Nodes Down | Number of system nodes down | Number |
Parallelism | Percentage of parallelism, calculated as the average CPU usage / maximum CPU usage x 100 | Percent |
PE CPU Usage | Average CPU usage of the PEs. Calculated as the average usage of the parser and the dispatcher (both normalized values). Normalized by multiplying the value by the number of physical CPUs on the associated node of the PE. | Percent |
Read I/O | Percentage of I/O that are reads | Percent |
Session Login Count | Sessions currently logged on to the system | Number |
Swap Drops | Total pages or segments dropped from memory during the sample period due to swapping | Number |
Swap Reads | Total pages or segments read into memory from the disk after a prior write or drop during the sample period | Number |
Swap Writes | Total pages or segments written into swap area from memory during the sample period | Number |
System CPU | Average CPU time spent in System mode | Percent |
Total AMP CPU | Total AMP CPU use | Percent |
Total Disk Space | Total disk space currently in use | Percent |
Total Node CPU | Total node CPU use | Percent |
User CPU | Average CPU time spent in User mode | Percent |
Vproc CPU Usage | Average percent of the CPU usage of all online vprocs in the configuration. Normalized by multiplying the value returned from Analytics Database by the number of physical CPUs in the associated vproc. | Percent |
Wait I/O CPU | Average CPU time spent waiting for I/O | Percent |
Table Metrics
Metric | Description | Type |
Index Count | Total indexes | Number |
Table Size | Table size in bytes, including index, fallback, and journal subtables | Number |