- In the summary view, click Edit Jobs.
- In the Alerts tab, click .
- In the Add Job Alert dialog box, type a name for the alert.Names must be unique, and characters are case-sensitive.
- Do one of the following when adding an alert:
- If you want the alert to be enabled immediately, select the Enable alert check box.
- If you want to wait before enabling the alert, make sure the Enable alert check box is cleared.
The jobs check boxes remain selected, but the alert will not be triggered until the Enable alert check box is selected.
- Clear the check box of any job you do not want this alert to act upon.
- Select a severity for the alert from the list.
- Under Alert Action, select an alert action from the list.Alert actions specify the action the system takes in the event of an alert, for example, send an email or run a program. Alert actions are created in the Alert Setup portlet.
- [Optional] Type a limit for Do not run twice in a number of minutes.The alert action does not run twice during the time frame that you enter. Numbers between 0 and 1440 are valid.
- [Optional] Under Message, type a message that appears when the alert action runs.
- Click Save.