When you select a Teradata QueryGrid session from an Analytics Database session or a Teradata QueryGrid manager in the portlet's summary view, the details for the query are displayed.
The top portion of the screen displays a graphical representation of the progress and status of the query, with icons representing the initiating system, the phase of the current operation being performed, and the target system. The initiating system is the data source from which the query is generated. The target system is the system against which the query is being run. Teradata QueryGrid queries go through a metadata and execution phase before they are completed. Teradata QueryGrid queries may also access data on target systems or transfer data from one system to another.
- Initiating System
- The data source from which the query is generated.
- Target System
- The system from which data is accessed or to which it is transferred.
- Operation
- The phase of the operation being performed.
- Tabs
- Related metrics are organized into tabs for the system or operation selected in the top portion of the view.
- System or Operation Details
- The metrics related to the system or operation selected in the top portion of the view.