Teradata System Metrics - Teradata Viewpoint - Teradata Workload Management

Teradata® Viewpoint User Guide - 23.04

Teradata Viewpoint
Teradata Workload Management
Release Number
April 2023
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem

Session Metrics

The selection menu choice By Session > All or My Criteria or By Session (Exclude Utilities) > All or My Criteria makes the following metrics available. For a list of metric sources for some of the metrics listed as following, see Metric Sources Overview.
Metric Description Type
Account Account from which a query was submitted String
Blocked Time How long the query has been blocked Number
CPU Use Percent of available CPU seconds on the system used during the last sampling period Percent
Δ CPU Total CPU usage time consumed, in seconds, since the last sample Number
Δ I/O I/O count since the last sample Number
Duration How long the query has been running Number
Host Host ID or LAN ID associated with the PE that processed the login request for the session Number
Hot AMP Spool (Teradata Database 16.0 and later) Current spool value of the highest spool utilized AMP for the query. If no request is running on the session, no value displays. Number
Impact CPU CPU impact on the system based on the highest utilized AMP. (Teradata Database 15.0 and earlier) Calculated at the snapshot level. (Teradata Database 15.10 and later) Calculated at the request level. Number
In State How long the query has been in the current state Number
Partition Partition in which the query is running String
PJI Ratio of the CPU milliseconds per I/O for the query, where a larger Product Join Index number indicates system performance degradation Number
Proxy Username (For Teradata Database 15.0 and later) Name of the proxy user when a trusted session is used String
Query Band Entire query band string. Query bands are a set of name-value pairs defined by the user to tag sessions or transactions with an ID through a SQL interface. String
Request CPU CPU seconds needed to run the query Number
Request CPU Skew (Teradata Database 15.10 and later) CPU skew for the current query Percent
Request I/O Disk I/Os performed to run the query Number
Request I/O Skew (Teradata Database 15.10 and later) I/O skew for the current query Percent
Request Count Number of queries the session has executed Number
Session ID Unique session identifier Number
Snapshot CPU Skew CPU skew during the last sample Percent
Snapshot I/O Skew I/O skew during the last sample Percent
Spool Spool space the query requires, using a 1024 byte kilobyte as the base Number
Spool Skew (Teradata Database 16.0 and later) Current spool skew for the query. If no request is running on the session, no value displays. Percent
Start Time that the query started running on Analytics Database Number
State Icon Icon representing the current state of the query Icon
State Text describing the current state of the query String
Temp Space Temp space used by the query, using a 1024 byte kilobyte as the base Number
Unnecessary I/O Ratio of I/O to CPU for the current query Number
User Name of the user who submitted the query String
Workload Workload in which the query is running String

Account String and User Metrics

The selection menu choice By Account String or By User makes the following metrics available. For a list of metric sources for some of the metrics listed as following, see Metric Sources Overview.
Metric Description Type
Δ CPU Total CPU usage time consumed, in seconds, since the last sample Number
Δ I/O I/O count since the last sample Number
Δ Request Count Total number of queries submitted by the user or account string since the last sample Number
Aborting Count Queries that have been aborted and changes are being rolled back Number
Account Account from which a query was submitted String
Active Count Queries that are running Number
Blocked Count Queries waiting for a lock held by another query Number
CPU Use Available CPU seconds on the system used during the last sampling period Percent
Delayed Count Queries in a delay queue waiting to run Number
Idle Count Queries that are not running Number
Impact CPU CPU impact on the system based on the highest utilized AMP. (Teradata Database 15.0 and earlier) Calculated at the snapshot level. (Teradata Database 15.10 and later) Calculated at the request level. Number
Parsing Count Queries being parsed before running Number
Response Count Queries that are returning results to the user Number
Spool Current spool used by the request across all AMPs in bytes, using a 1024 byte kilobyte as the base Number
Total Sessions for the user or account (total of active, aborting, blocked, idle, parsing, response, delayed, and unknown) Number
Unknown Count Queries in an unknown state Number
Username Name of the user that submitted the query String

Utility Metrics

The selection menu choice By Utility > By Job or By Type makes the following metrics available. For a list of metric sources for some of the metrics listed as following, see Metric Sources Overview.
Metric Description Type
Δ CPU Total CPU usage time consumed, in seconds, since the last sample Number
Active Number of utilities of this utility type that are active Number
AMP CPU Total AMP CPU-seconds consumed by the job Number
AMP I/O I/O count across all AMPs for the job Number
Host Host ID or LAN ID associated with the PE that processed the login request for the session Number
Limit Current limit on the number of utilities of this type Number
LSN Login sequence number for the job Number
Name Utility names String
Sessions Session count for the job Number
Username Name of the user who submitted the query String
Utility Utility in which the session is running String

Vproc Metrics

The selection menu choice By VProc makes the following metrics available.
Metric Description Type
AMP ID ID of the skewed AMP, limited to those AMPs with sessions that exceed the metric values that are set in the Skew tab in the Settings view Number
PE PE ID Number
PE CPU PE usage in CPU-seconds Number
  • Sessions count on the PE
  • Skewed session count on the AMP
    This number is not the total number of sessions on an AMP
Skewed CPU CPU-seconds used by skewed sessions (sessions that exceed the skew threshold set in the Settings view) on an AMP
This number is not the total CPU usage on an AMP

Blocker Metrics

The selection menu choice By Blocker makes the following metrics available by default. For a list of metric sources for some of the metrics listed as following, see Metric Sources Overview.

Metric Description Type
Session ID Unique session identifier of the query that is blocking Number
Username Name of the user that is running the query that holds the lock String
State Icon Icon representing the current state of the query Icon
Blocking Type Indicates the significance of the blocker. Available values are:
  • Root Cause - Sessions that are not blocked, but are causing other sessions to be blocked
  • Granted - Sessions that are blocked and are blocking other sessions because they have been granted a lock
  • Waiting - Sessions that are blocked and are ahead of other blocked sessions in the queue
Blocking Count Total number of sessions that are either directly or indirectly blocked by this session Number
Blocking Time Amount of elapsed time that this session has been blocking other sessions, displayed as
  • d+hh:mm:ss
Blocking Impact Blocked time summed together of each session that is either directly or indirectly blocked by this session, displayed as
  • d+hh:mm:ss
Blocking Locks A comma-separated list of the locks that are responsible for the blocking, for example:

Granted write lock on table databaseName.tableName, Waiting on write lock on rowhash databaseName.tableName

The information displays in the following order:
  1. Status of the lock causing the block (Waiting or Granted)
  2. Mode (severity) of the lock involved in causing a block (exclusive, write, read, or access)
  3. Type of object whose lock is causing the session described by the associated row to be blocked (database, table, row hash, table partition range, row hash partition range, row hash partition, and row key range)
  4. Name of the database object over which a lock conflict is preventing the session from being granted a lock
  5. Name of the table object over which a lock conflict is preventing the session from being granted a lock