The Space Usage portlet allows you to monitor database disk space usage for Teradata, Aster, and Hadoop systems. The views and the options vary depending on the system you choose.
For Teradata systems, you can monitor database data, such as the perm space, temp space, and spool space, and reallocate permanent disk space. The details view displays permanent space usage over time in information balloons. You can reallocate permanent disk space from one database to another using either the Space Usage view or the details view.
For Aster systems, you can monitor database data, such as the table count and current space usage. The details view displays the space usage, schema and level of skew.
For Hadoop systems, you can monitor node data, such as the total space, current space, percent in use and available space.
The Settings view allows you to customize the display for summary and details views and set thresholds for filters. Settings are available only for Teradata systems.