Click a database name in the Space Usage view to access the details view. The details view displays space usage information about the selected database and the child databases and objects.
Use the sparkline to determine if the space usage has increased or decreased over time.
The following list describes the features in this view:
- Database Hierarchy
- Displays the database hierarchy of the currently selected database whose details are displayed. The hierarchy refers to the parent database that contains the currently selected database, the parent of the parent, and so on. Click any database name displayed in the database hierarchy to browse to and view the details for that database.
- Add Space button
- Reallocates permanent disk space from one database to another. This feature is available only for Teradata systems.
- Table Actions
- Clear Filters removes any content in the filter boxes.
- Sparkline
- For the selected Analytics Database, displays the perm space usage over the last three months in the sparkline, where each data point on the sparkline is the amount of space usage recorded during a single day.
For the selected Aster database, displays the current space usage.
Hover over the sparkline to display detailed information about the space usage in an information balloon.
To the right of the sparkline, view the current, peak, and maximum perm for Analytics Database and current space usage for the Aster database.
- Filters
- Shows only rows that match your filter criteria.
- Tabs
- The Databases tab displays information for all databases that are direct children of the currently selected database. You can click a child database in the list to view the details.
- Database or Object Details
- Displays metrics about the child databases of (Database tab) or objects contained by (Objects tab) the currently selected database.