You can reallocate permanent disk space from the reserve Perm pool to the currently selected database. This feature is available only for Teradata systems. Permission to reallocate disk space is granted to individual users based on their Teradata Viewpoint role and portlet permissions.
- To reallocate space, do one of the following:
- Click next to a row and click Add Space.
- From the Space Usage details view, click Add Space.
If JWT integration with Vantage is enabled (versions and later), you will not be prompted to log in. A Disconnect option is available, which will allow the user to login using different credentials.Note that once disconnected, the user will continue to be prompted to enter credentials. This setting is saved per portlet instance; a new portlet instance will bypass the login dialog.
- Log in to the selected Analytics Database, if prompted.
- Click Next.
- From the Reserve Perm pool list, select the database from which you want to reallocate space.
- For Perm to transfer, enter the number and select the units for the amount of space you want to add to the target database.The amount of free Perm and max Perm after the allocation are displayed under the target database name.
- Click Add Space.A confirmation message appears.
- Click Transfer.