Stats Manager Metrics - Teradata Viewpoint - Teradata Workload Management

Teradata® Viewpoint User Guide - 23.04

Teradata Viewpoint
Teradata Workload Management
Release Number
April 2023
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
You can enable metrics that appear in the Statistics and Jobs views. Metrics available for selection and display are listed as following.
In this table, Recommendations for Object is used to represent all of the object types available in statistics metrics, such as database, table, index, and so on.
Metric Description View
% Automated Percentage of automated statistics associated with the associated object, such as system, database, or table Statistics by Database

Statistics by Object

% Collect Coverage Percentage of automated statistics associated with a collect job Statistics by Database
% Data Change Maximum estimated percent data change since the last collection for automated statistics as determined by an analyze job Statistics by Object


Statistics Details

Active Indicates if a statistic has been deactivated as the result of an analyze job because it was not being used by the Optimizer Statistics
All Total number of recommendations Recommendations for Object
Alert Name Name of the alert Alert definitions
Alert Enabled
  • true - alert is enabled. Alert is triggered for the selected jobs with Error state.
  • false - alert is disabled.
Alert definitions
Alert Severity The severity of the alert can be: Critical, High, Medium, and Low. Alert definitions
Alert Action Name The name of the action. These actions are defined in the Alert Setup portlet. Alert definitions
Automate Total number of automate recommendations Recommendations for Object
Automated Indicates whether or not the statistic can be added to a collect job Statistics

Analyze Job Report

Automated Stats Number of automated statistics associated with the object Statistics by Database

Statistics by Object

Collect Total number of collect statistics recommendations Recommendations for Object
Collect Age Number of days since the statistic was last collected Statistics

Analyze Job Report

Collect Age Threshold Number of days since the last collection before the statistic is considered stale Analyze Job Report
Collect Jobs List of collect jobs that include at least one statistic within the database or object Statistics by Database

Statistics by Object

Associated collect jobs responsible for collecting this statistic Analyze Job Report
Collect List Total Number of COLLECT STATISTICS statements in the collect list Collect Job History
Collect Text COLLECT STATISTICS statement Collect Report Details
Columns Columns associated with the statistic Statistics

Statistic Details

Analyze Job Report

Recommendations for Object

CPU Secs Processing power, in CPU seconds, used to run the job Collect Job History
Cumulative CPU Secs Total processing power used to process collections since the job started collecting from the beginning of the collect list Collect Job History
Cumulative Duration Total time used to process collections since the job started collecting from the beginning of the collect list Collect Job History
Cumulative Error Count The total error count for Collect Job. This count is only displayed for collect jobs with state - RUNNING, PARTIALLY COMPLETE or COMPLETE. Job Definitions
Cumulative Submitted Collects Count of COLLECT STATISTICS statements submitted since the job started collecting from the beginning of the collect list Collect Job History
Database Name of the database Statistics by Database

Recommendations for Object

Collect Job Report

Analyze Job Report

Data Change Threshold Percent the data can change before being considered stale Analyze Job Report
Deactivate Total number of deactivate recommendations Recommendations for Object
Duration How long the COLLECT STATISTICS statement took to run Job History

Collect Job Report

Analyze Job Report

Time allocated to run a collect job Job Definitions
End Date and time the job ended Job History
Time the statistic collection ended Collect Job Report
Estimate Error Frequency Number of times the lack of this statistic resulted in a cardinality estimation error Recommendations for Object

Analyze Job Report

Inactive Stats Number of inactive statistics in the associated object or database Statistics by Database

Statistics by Object

Index Indicates whether a statistic was collected on an index Statistics

Statistics Details

Analyze Job Report

Recommendations for Object

Job Name of the job Job Definitions
Last Access Last time the statistic was accessed Statistics

Recommendations for Object

Last Collect Date and time the statistic was last collected Statistics

Statistic Details

Last Duration Amount of time it took for the most recent instance of the associated job to run Job Definitions
Last End Time the most recent instance of the associated job ended Job Definitions
Last Start Time the most recent instance of the associated job started Job Definitions
Last Submit Last time statistics were submitted for collection Statistics by Object


Statistic Details

Max Collect Age Number of days since the statistic with the oldest Last Collect date was collected Statistics by Database

Statistics by Object

Max Submit Age Number of days since the automated statistic with the oldest Last Submit date was submitted Statistics by Database
Missing Frequency Number of times the statistic would have been used if it ran Recommendations for Object
Missing Rank Rank of this missing statistic compared to all other missing statistics in terms of Missing Frequency Analyze Job Report
Most Recent Time of the most recent recommendation Recommendations for Object
Next Start Time the job is scheduled to run again Job Definitions

Analyze Job Report

Null Count Number of null values in a column Statistic Details
Number of Jobs The total number of jobs selected for the alert. Alert definitions
Object Name of the object Statistics by Object

Collect Job Report

Analyze Job Report

Oldest Collect Oldest collect time of any statistic on the object Statistics by Object
Origin How the statistic became automated. Values for origin are as follows:
  • Automate
  • Analyze

Statistic Details

Query Log Analysis (Teradata Database 15.10 and later) Progress bar Job Definitions

Analyze Job Report

Reactivate Total number of reactivate recommendations Recommendations for Object
Recommendation Indicates whether the event resulted in a recommendation Analyze Job Report
Recommendation Time Time the recommendation was made Statistics

Recommendations for Object

Recommendation Type Type of recommendation made Statistics

Recommendations for Object

Row Count Number of rows in the object as determined by the last collect Statistics by Object

Statistic Details

Skipped Collections Number of consecutive times the COLLECT STATISTICS statement was submitted but the collect was skipped because the collect thresholds were not met Statistics by Object


Statistic Details

Stale stats Number of automated statistics in the object with a state of stale or missing data Statistics by Database

Statistics by Object

Staleness Analysis (Teradata Database 15.10 and later) Progress bar Job Definitions

Analyze Job Report

Start Date and time the job started Job History

Collect Job Report

Analyze Job Report

Time the statistic collection started Collect Job Report
Time a job is scheduled to start Job Definitions
State Current state of the statistic. Values for state are as follows:
  • Current
  • Missing
  • Stale
Collect state of the statistic. Values for state are as follows:
  • Collected
  • Not Collected
  • Error
  • Skipped
  • Pending
Collect Job Report
Current state of the job. Values for state are as follows:
  • Aborted - Jobs that were aborted by user
  • Complete - Jobs that ran to completion successfully
  • Error - Jobs that encountered an error during processing
  • Partially Complete - Collect jobs that did not complete submitting all COLLECT STATISTICS statements in their associated collect list before their allotted time expired, but were otherwise successful
  • Running - Jobs that have been started and have not yet ended
Job Definitions

Collect Job History

Collect Job Report

Statistic Name of the statistic Statistics

Analyze Job Report

Recommendations for Object

Submit Age Number of days since an automated statistic was last submitted for collection Statistics by Object


Submit Order Order in which collect list items are submitted Collect Job Report
Submitted Collections Progress bar Collect Job History

Job Definitions

System Importance Ranking automatically assigned to each statistic that enables Analytics Database to order COLLECT STATISTICS statements when a collect list is generated for a collect job. This ranking can be overridden by editing importance. Statistics

Statistic Details

Analyze Job Report

Recommendations for Object

Total Stats Number of statistics associated with the object Statistics by Database

Statistics by Object

Type Type of database object. Values for type are as follows:
  • Database
  • User
  • Table
  • Join Index
  • Hash Index
Statistics by Object
Type of job. Values for type are as follows:
  • Analyze
  • Collect
Job Definitions
Unique Value Count Number of unique values in the expression list Statistic Details
User Importance Ranking set by the user that overrides the ranking that is automatically assigned by the System Importance Statistics

Statistic Details