Deautomating Statistics - Teradata Viewpoint - Teradata Workload Management

Teradata® Viewpoint User Guide - 23.04

Teradata Viewpoint
Teradata Workload Management
Release Number
April 2023
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
When you deautomate statistics, they stop being collected by collect jobs they were associated with and they cannot be added to jobs. Essentially, deautomating puts statistics in a state as if they were never automated. You can deautomate all statistics within a Teradata system, all statistics within one or more databases, all statistics for one or more objects, or one or more statistics for an object.

Deautomated statistics on an object will remain in a custom collect job scope until they are manually removed, but they will not be collected and the Statistics tab does not report an associated collect job.

Deautomated statistics continue to be collected if they were part of a custom collect list before the statistics were deautomated. The collect job is listed with the statistic, object, database, or system on the Statistics tab.

  1. From the Statistics tab, do any of the following:
    Deautomate Description
    System To deautomate all statistics within a Teradata system:
    • From the Statistics by Database view, click Actions > Deautomate System.
    Database To deautomate all statistics within a single database, do one of the following:
    • From the Statistics by Object view, click Actions > Deautomate Database.
    • From the Statistics by Database view, click next to the database name and click Deautomate.
    To deautomate all statistics within multiple databases:
    1. From the Statistics by Database view, click the Table Actions list and click Deautomate.
    2. Do one of the following:
      • Select the check box in the column heading to select all databases.
      • Select the check boxes for specific databases.
    Object To deautomate all statistics for a single object, do one of the following:
    • From the Statistics view, click Actions > Deautomate <object type>.
    • From the Statistics by Object view, click next to the database name and click Deautomate.
    To deautomate all statistics for multiple objects:
    1. From the Statistics by Object view, click the Table Actions list and click Deautomate.
    2. Do one of the following:
      • Select the check box in the column heading to select all objects.
      • Select the check boxes for specific objects.
    Statistic To deautomate a single statistic, do one of the following:
    • From the Statistics view, click next to the database name and click Deautomate.
    • From the Statistic Details view, click Actions > Deautomate Statistic.
    To deautomate multiple statistics for the same object:
    1. From the Statistics view, click the Table Actions list and click Deautomate.
    2. Do one of the following:
      • Select the check box in the column heading to select all statistics.
      • Select the check boxes for specific statistics.