Statistics Views - Teradata Viewpoint - Teradata Workload Management

Teradata® Viewpoint User Guide - 23.04

Teradata Viewpoint
Teradata Workload Management
Release Number
April 2023
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
There are four statistics views. The descriptions and how to browse to each view are listed in the following table.
View Description Navigation from Home
Statistics by Database View statistic information on all databases on a system and access system-generated recommendations. Click the Statistics tab to see the Statistics by Database view.
Statistics by Object View statistic information on objects, such as tables, for a single database. From the Statistics by Database view, click a row in the table to see the Statistics by Object view.
Statistics View statistics information for a single object, such as a table or index. From the Statistics by Object view, click a row in the table to see the Statistics view.
Statistic Details View details and collect settings for a single statistic. From the Statistics view, click a row in the table to see the Statistic Details view.

Depending on the view, the following features are available:

Automate enables statistics to be collected by collect jobs. You can automate a system, database, object, or single statistic.
Deautomate stops statistics from being collected by collect jobs. You can deautomate a system, database, object, or single statistic.
Edit Collect Settings allows you to edit thresholds, sampling, and histogram settings, where you can either choose to allow Analytics Database to decide the settings or select no thresholds or sampling.
Information Bar
% of stats approved for automation displays the percentage of statistics that are approved for automation, allowing you to determine if more statistics need to be approved for automation.
% of automated stats have collect jobs displays the percentage of automated statistics that have collect jobs, allowing you to determine if additional collect jobs are needed.
Recommendations Link
Displays a list of the recommendations when the link is clicked, allowing you to approve or reject recommendations.
Shows only rows that match your filter criteria.
Table Actions
Clear Filters removes any content in the filter boxes.
Configure Columns allows you to choose the columns to display.
Export creates a .csv file containing all available data. If filters are used, only filtered data is exported.

For more information, see Summary Table Controls.

Statistics Table
Displays all objects with at least one statistic, or one recommendation that has not been approved or rejected. The table is configured using Configure Columns from the Table Actions list.

Following is an example of the Statistics by Database view.

Stats Manager Statistics by Database view