You can define thresholds for workload event types. When a threshold is met or exceeded, the associated workload event occurs. Maximum and minimum limits must be positive integers. The following event types are available.
Event Types | Description |
Active Requests | Defines maximum or minimum number of queries that can be active at one time. Active Requests are not available for utility workloads. |
Arrivals | Defines maximum or minimum per-second arrival rate for queries. Arrivals are not available with utility workloads. |
AWT Wait Time | Defines minimum time a step in a request can wait to acquire an AWT. |
CPU Utilization | Defines maximum or minimum CPU usage for a query. |
Delay Queue Depth | Defines minimum number of queries in the delay queue. |
Delay Queue Time | Defines a minimum for the time a request can be in the delay queue. |
SLG Response Time | Triggers an event based on the Response Time SLG set for the workload. Available only if a Response Time SLG is set for the workload. |
SLG Throughput | Triggers an event based on the Throughput SLG set for the workload. Available only if a Throughput SLG is set for the workload. |
Some workload event types allow you to set a qualification time. Setting qualification times can prevent very short incidents from triggering events. The qualification time is checked at the end of each interval.
Qualification Method Options | Description |
Simple | Specifies how long an event threshold must be met before an event is triggered. |
Immediate | Specifies that an event is triggered immediately after an event threshold is met. |
Averaging | Specifies the following: