Metric | Description | Operating System |
Aborted Queries | Number of aborted queries in the last 60 seconds | SLES 10 and 11 |
Active Queries | Number of active queries in the last 60 seconds | SLES 10 and 11 |
Arrivals | Number of queries arriving in the last 60 seconds. Historical data is not displayed for this metric. | SLES 10 and 11 |
Average CPU-Sec Per Query | Average CPU seconds per completed queries | SLES 10 and 11 |
Average Physical KB I/O Per Query | Average physical I/O usage, in kilobytes, of all queries in this workload | SLES 11 |
Average Response and Delay Time | Average response time and delay time for all active queries | SLES 10 and 11 |
Cumulative CPU | Cumulative CPU seconds per amp | SLES 10 and 11 |
Decayed Active Queries | Total number of queries that have decayed due to CPU or I/O (Timeshare workloads only) | SLES 11 |
Delayed Queries | Number of queries in the delay queue | SLES 10 and 11 |
Deferred Queries | Number of queries in deferred queue | SLES 11 |
Exceptions | Number of queries classified as exceptions in the last 60 seconds | SLES 10 and 11 |
Maximum CPU-Sec Per Query | Maximum CPU seconds used by completed queries is a default metric for the Tactical EP | SLES 10 and 11 |
Maximum Physical KB I/O Per Query | Maximum physical I/O usage, in kilobytes, for all queries in this workload | SLES 11 |
Maximum Response Time | Maximum response time for all active requests | SLES 10 and 11 |
Queries Throttled | Number of queries throttled in the workload in the last 60 seconds | SLES 10 and 11 |
Rejected Queries | Number of rejected queries in the last 60 seconds | SLES 10 and 11 |
Tactical Queries With Exceptions | Total number of queries reclassified to another workload as a result of a tactical exception based on CPU per node and I/O per node values. This metric is available only on the Metrics-Tactical tab in the Settings view. |
SLES 11 |
Throughput | Number of completed queries in the last 60 seconds. This metric does not display historical data. | SLES 10 and 11 |