Overview Tab - Teradata Viewpoint - Teradata Workload Management

Teradata® Viewpoint User Guide - 24.04

Teradata Viewpoint
Teradata Workload Management
Release Number
April 2024
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem

The Overview tab includes a Summary section that lists key metric values and a Counts section that displays bar charts representing query counts for a selected metric.


The Summary section displays values for the following metrics.

Metric Description Type
Burn Rate Percentage of the overall system capacity effectively consumed by the query during its execution Percent
Gating Efficiency Percentage indicating the percentage of the overall query duration spent executing versus being delayed. A value of 100 indicates all time was spent executing. Percent
Impact CPU Impact of jobs on the system taking CPU skew into account. The value is equal to the highest CPU time in seconds consumed by any one AMP on behalf of a job or query multiplied by the number of AMPs. Number
Logged Queries Number of queries for which query logging was enabled for the selected date Number
Max Spool Total amount of temporary spool space used Number
Suspect Queries Number of queries designated as suspect based on thresholds set in the Query Log data collector Number
System Utilization Percentage of the system's CPU utilized by the user or application Percent
Time Active Number of seconds the query spent executing. Excludes any time the query was delayed before being executed. Number
Time Delay Number of seconds the query was delayed before being executed Number
Time Expansion Ratio of how long the query took to execute versus how long it could have ideally run. The larger the number, the more the execution time of the query was expanded. For example, a value of 8.8 means an expansion of 8.8 times the ideal execution time. Number
Total AMP CPU Total amount of CPU consumed by AMPs in processing queries Number
Total I/O Count Total number of I/O requests the query used Number
Total Parser CPU Total amount of CPU consumed by the parsing engine in processing the query Number


The Counts section displays bar charts representing total counts for the following metrics.
Metric Description
Account String Number of queries submitted by the account string represented by the bar
App ID Number of queries associated with the displayed App ID. The App ID is the ID of the application used to access Analytics Database. Typically the App ID is the name and version of the Teradata Tool or Utility accessing Analytics Database.
Cache Flag Number of queries that used the cache flag type represented by the bar. The cache flag types are:
  • T: The flag is found in step cache
  • S: The query is a parameterized query and a specific plan is generated.
  • G: The query is a parameterized query and a generic plan is generated.
  • A: The query is a parameterized query and a specific always decision is taken. Each time a query is submitted, the USING values are considered and the query is parsed.
Client Address Number of queries submitted by the client IP address represented by the bar
ClientID Number of queries submitted by the client ID represented by the bar
Error Code Number of queries that have the error code number represented on the bar
Number of Active AMPs Number of queries that used the number of AMPs represented by the bar
Statement Type Number of queries that used the SQL statement type represented by the bar
Username Number of queries submitted by the Teradata user represented by the bar
Workload end Number of queries that finished execution in the workload represented by the bar
Workload start Number of queries that started execution in the workload represented by the bar
Workload start -> end Number of queries that started and finished execution in the same workload represented by the bar