Data Lab REST APIs | Supported Operations | Teradata Viewpoint - Supported Operations - Teradata Data Lab - Teradata Viewpoint

Teradata® Viewpoint and Teradata® Data Lab API Reference Guide - 23.04

Teradata Data Lab
Teradata Viewpoint
Release Number
April 2023
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
HTTP URL Parameters Description Response
GET /api/public/dataLabs/systems/{systemId}/reports
Path Variable
  • systemId: The id of the system
Required Parameters:
  • reportType: Type of report: USER, ROLE, GROUP
  • data: Data for which reports need to be generated (for multiple data use comma seperated as a, b)
Provides report for the mentioned types and data List reports for the data provided
POST /api/public/dataLabs/systems/{systemId}/groups
Path Variable
  • systemId: The id of the system
Request Body
  • LabGroup
The following parameters are required in the request body:
  • groupName: Specifies the group name
  • parentDatabase: Specifies parent database for the lab group
  • labGroupSize: Allocated space for the lab group in bytes (min: 1, max: 9999)
  • defaultLabSize: Default size for all labs under this lab group
    If defaultLabSize > labGroupSize, a 403 error response returns.
Creates and configures a data lab group Indicates whether lab group was created successfully, and group information
GET /api/public/dataLabs/systems/{systemId}/groups
Path Variable
  • systemId: The id of the system
Optional Parameters
  • name: Name of the lab group
  • includePrivacyInfo: Determines whether the response body includes detailed privacy information for the lab groups.
  • perPage: Number of lab groups to return per page. Default: 100 (range: 1 - 500)
  • page: The page number to return. Default: 1
Provides a list of all lab groups on the specified system List of lab groups
PUT /dataLabs/systems/{systemId}/groups/{groupId}
Path Variables
  • systemId: The id of the system
  • groupId: The id of the lab group to which the lab request will be sent
Request Body
  • LabGroup
The following parameters are required in the request body:
  • groupName: Specifies the group name
  • parentDatabase: Specifies parent database for the lab group
  • labGroupSize: Allocated space for the lab group in bytes (min: 1, max: 9999)
  • defaultLabSize: Default size for all labs under this lab group
    If defaultLabSize > labGroupSize, a 403 error response returns.
Updates the existing lab group Indicates whether update for lab group was done succesfully
GET /api/public/dataLabs/systems/{systemId}/groups/{groupId}/owners Path Variables
  • systemId: The id of the system
  • groupId: The id of the lab group
Gets the owners of a lab group When successful, indicates lab group owners
POST /api/public/dataLabs/systems/{systemId}/groups/{groupid}/requests/add
Path Variables
  • systemId: The id of the system
  • groupId: The id of the lab group to which the lab request will be sent
Request Body
  • Lab
The following parameter is required in the request body:
  • labName: name of lab
Creates and configures a data lab Indicates whether lab was successfully created
POST /dataLabs/systems/{systemId}/groups/{groupId}/lab/requests/update
Path Variables
  • systemId: The id of the system
  • groupId: The id of the lab group to which the lab request will be sent
  • labName: The lab name for which the update request will be sent
Request Body
  • Lab
Updates the existing lab Indicates whether update request for lab was succesfully sent
POST /dataLabs/systems/{systemId}/groups/{groupId}/labs/{labId}/requests/modifyLabSize
Path Variables
  • systemId: The id of the system
  • groupId: The id of the lab group which requested lab contains
  • labId: The id of the lab which size needs to be increased or decreased
Request Body
  • LabSize object
To increase or decrease the lab size Indicates whether request sent for modification of lab size is successful or not
POST /dataLabs/systems/{systemId}/groups/{groupId}/labs/{labId}/requests/extendLab
Path Variables
  • systemId: The id of the system
  • groupId: The id of the lab group to which the extend lab request will be sent
  • labId: The id of the lab for which the extend lab request will be sent
Request Body
  • ExtentLab object
Extend lab expiration date for lab Indicates whether extend request for lab sent successfully
GET /api/public/dataLabs/systems/{systemId}/groups/{groupId}/labs
Path Variables
  • systemId: The id of the system
  • groupId: The id of the lab group to which the lab request will be sent
Optional Parameters
  • labName: Name of the lab
  • labNameMatch:If true, the full name provided under "labName" is matched. If false, labs starting with the name provided under "labName" is matched
  • perPage: Number of lab groups to return per page. Default: 100. Range: (1 - 500)
  • page: The page number to return to. Default: 1
Provides a list of labs under a lab group List of labs in a lab group
GET /api/public/dataLabs/systems/{systemId}/groups/{groupId}/labs/{labid}/owners Path Variables
  • systemId: The id of the system
  • groupId: The id of the lab group
  • labId: The id of the lab
Provides a list of owners of a data lab When successful, indicates lab owners
GET /api/public/dataLabs/systems/{systemId}/groups/{groupId}/labs/{labid}/members Path Variables
  • systemId: The id of the system
  • groupId: The id of the lab group in which the lab is available
  • labId: The id of the lab
Provides a list of users and roles of a data lab When successful, indicates a list of members (users and roles)
POST /api/public/dataLabs/systems/{systemId}/groups/{groupId}/labs/{labid}/requests/delete Path Variables
  • systemId: The id of the system
  • groupId: The id of the lab group that the lab is part of
  • labId: The id of the lab being deleted
Deletes a lab Indicates whether lab was successfully deleted
POST /api/public/dataLabs/systems/{systemId}/groups/{groupId}/labs/{labid}/requests/modifyLabUser
Path Variables
  • systemId: The id of the system
  • groupId: The id of the lab group that the lab is part of
  • labId: The id of the lab being modified
Required Parameter
  • requestType: The type of request:
    • ADD
    • REMOVE
  • request Body
    • LabUsersAndRoles
Add or remove users/roles to a lab Indicates whether the request for addition or removal of user/roles was successfully submitted
POST /api/public/dataLabs/systems/{systemId}/groups/{groupId}/labs/{labid}/requests/modifyLabOwner
Path Variables
  • systemId: The id of the system
  • groupId: The id of the lab group that the lab is part of
  • labId: The id of the lab being modified
Required Parameter
  • requestType: The type of request:
    • ADD
    • REMOVE
  • request Body
    • LabOwner
Add or remove lab owners Indicates whether the request for addition or removal of lab owners was successfully submitted
GET /api/public/dataLabs/systems/{systemId}/requests
Path Variable
  • systemId: The id of the system
Optional Parameters
  • groupName: Name of the lab group
  • log: A flag to obtain detailed system log. Default: false
  • requestType: Type of the request:
    • ADD_LAB
    • OTHER
  • perPage: Number of request objects to return per page. Default: 100 (range: 1 - 500)
  • page: The page number to return. Default: 1
Provides a list of requests information for the specified system List of request information
GET /dataLabs/systems/{systemId}/groups/{groupId}/permissions
Path Variables
  • systemId: The id of the system
  • groupId: The id of the lab group to which the permissions request will be sent
Gets the permissions of a lab group Permissions of a lab group
GET /dataLabs/systems/{systemId}/groups/{groupId}/approvalPolicyRules
Path Variables
  • systemId: The id of the system
  • groupId: The id of the lab group to which the approval policy rules request will be sent
Gets the approval policy rules of a lab group List of approval policy rules of a lab group
POST /dataLabs/systems/{systemId}/groups/{groupId}/labs/{labId}/requests/reinstateLab
Path Variables
  • systemId: The id of the system
  • groupId: The id of the lab group to which the reinstate lab request will be sent
  • labId: The lab id for which the reinstate lab request will be sent
Request Body:
  • ReinstateLab object
To reinstate lab for expired labs Indicates whether reinstate request for lab was sent successfully
POST /dataLabs/systems/{systemId}/groups/{groupId}/labs/{labId}/requests/dropObject
Path Variables
  • systemId: The id of the system
  • groupId: The id of the lab group that the lab is part of
  • labId: The id of the lab for which the object is to be dropped
Required Parameter
  • tablekind: The table kind (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, X, Y, Z)
Request Body:
  • Drop Object
Drop the object from the lab Indicates whether the drop request for the lab was successfully submitted
POST /dataLabs/systems/{systemId}/groups/{groupId}/labs/{labId}/requests/approval
Path Variables
  • systemId: The id of the system
  • groupId: The id of the lab group that the lab is part of
  • labId: The id of the lab for which the object is to be dropped
Required Parameter
  • requestId: The id of the request for which the approval/deny is to be performed
  • approval: Approve/Deny option to be chosen to approve/deny the request
Optional Parameter
  • denyComment
Approve or deny lab requests Indicates whether the approve/deny request for the lab was successfully submitted
DELETE /dataLabs/systems/{systemId}/groups/{groupId}
Path Variables
  • systemId: The id of the system
  • groupId: The id of the lab group requested to delete
To delete a lab group Indicates whether lab group is successfully deleted or not