{ "message": "Access Denied. Error ID: 15524dfd-6806-4f95-a0b5-e59a64cbb833" }
{ "systemId": 4, // The Viewpoint internal system ID "enabled": true, // Whether or not the system is enabled "type": "TERADATA", // Type of the system (TERADATA, MANAGED, ASTER, MLENGINE,TASM_MODEL, HADOOP, QUERYGRID, PRESTO) "useHttps": true, // for HADOOP and PRESTO systems only, for QUERYGRID system it is always true. "tasmType": "ENTERPRISE", // TASM entitlement (TERADATA systems only) (ENTERPRISE, APPLIANCE, UNKNOWN) "name": "1410e10x", // Name of the system that is used throughout Viewpoint "host": "calvin", // Hostname or IP address of the system "siteId": "TDCALVIN1", // Site ID for server management (read only) "siteIdCollected": true, // Whether or not the site ID was collected from the monitored system (read only) "sessionCharSet": "UTF8", // The character set to use for making SQL connections (TERADATA systems only) "monitorCharSet": "ASCII", // The character set to use for making monitor partition (PM/API) connections (TERADATA systems only) "jdbcClientCharSet": "", // Any additional JDBC flags to pass in the connection string (TERADATA systems only) "additionalAuthOptions": [ "LDAP" ] // Array of additional authentication options on top of default (TERADATA systems only) (LDAP, TD2) "logins": [ { "id": 145, // ID of the login "username": "viewpoint", // Username "password": "$ecr3t", // Password "accountString": "", // Teradata account string (TERADATA systems only) "loginType": "TERADATA", // Login type (TERADATA systems only) (TERADATA, TDWM, STATS) "authMech": "TD2" // Authentication mechanism (TERADATA systems only) (TD2, LDAP, DEFAULT) } ], "links": [ { "rel": "self", "href": "http://viewpoint/api/public/monitoredSystems/4" }, { "rel": "grants", "href": "http://viewpoint/api/public/monitoredSystems/4/grants" }, "nameNodeUIPort": 50070, // (for Hadoop Systems only) "resourceManagerUIPort": 8088, // (for Hadoop Systems only) "hBaseMasterUIPort": 60010, // (for Hadoop Systems only) "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles", // Time Zone of the system (Required for TERADATA Systems only) "hadoopLicense": "TERADATA", // Hadoop License (Required for HADOOP Systems only)(TERADATA,COMMODITY) }
{ "username": "viewpoint", "version": "14.10", // Must be of the form "xx.yy", where xx is the major version of Teradata, and yy is the minor version "authentication": { "username": "viewpoint", // Username "password": "$ecr3t", // Password "accountString": "", // Teradata account string (TERADATA systems only) "authMech": "TD2" // Authentication mechanism (TERADATA systems only) (TD2, LDAP, DEFAULT) "sessionCharSet": "UTF8" // Character set } }
{ "sql": "replace macro console.dbscontrol as (;);", "error": "", "success": true }