Example: Creating a CSV DATASET Value
The character set defaults to the current server character set.
SELECT new DATASET('{"field_delimiter" : ",", "record_delimiter" : ";" }', 'Id,Item,Qnty,Price;103,brush,33,0.99;102,paint,2,0.69', CSV);
> Id,Item,Qnty,Price;103,brush,33,0.99;102,paint,2,0.69
Example: Creating a CSV DATASET Value with a UNICODE Character Set
SELECT new DATASET('{"field_delimiter" : ",", "record_delimiter" : ";" }', 'Id,Item,Qnty,Price;103,brush,33,0.99;102,paint,2,0.69', CSV, Unicode);
> Id,Item,Qnty,Price;103,brush,33,0.99;102,paint,2,0.69
Creating an Avro DATASET Value
In this example, create an Avro DATASET value, and then select it out in the JSON format by using the toJson() method for readability.
SELECT new DATASET( '{"type":"record", "name":"rec_0", "fields":[ {"name":"ID","type":"int"}, {"name":"First","type":"string"}, {"name":"Middle","type":"string"}, {"name":"Last","type":"string"}]}', '081246726564657269636B064A6F6E1057696C6C69616D73'XB, Avro).toJson();
> {"ID":4,"First":"Frederick","Middle":"Jon","Last":"Williams"}