The SQL Capabilities parcel includes a flag called SQLCap_DATASET which indicates whether the DATASET data type is supported in the database.
struct PclCfgSQLCapFeatType {
PclCfgFeatureType SQLCap_Feature;
PclCfgFeatureLenType SQLCap_Length;
byte /* 0 */ SQLCap_UPSERT;
byte /* 1 */ SQLCap_ArraySupport;
byte /* 20 */ padbyte_boolean;
byte /* 21 */ SQLCap_JSON;
byte /* 24 */ SQLCap_DATASET;
} PclCfgSQLCapFeatType;
The SQLCap_DATASET flag has the following values:
- 0 indicates that the DATASET data type is not supported.
- 1 indicates that the DATASET data type is supported.