Using DATASET Data Type
Teradata Vantage™ - DATASET Data Type describes support for self-describing files that are interpreted based on a schema. Teradata support includes the DATASET data type and the functions and methods available for processing, shredding, and publishing DATASET data.
Why Would I Use this Content?
See this content if you want to do the following:
- Store data in variable data formats, such as Avro and Comma Separated Value (CSV) formats.
- Use methods, functions, and stored procedures to perform operations on DATASET data.
- Extract values from DATASET documents and store the extracted data in a relational format.
- Publish data stored in relational tables to compose a DATASET type with any storage format and any schema.
- Use standard SQL to query DATASET data.
How Do I Use this Content?
First, get familiar with the DATASET Data Type. See The DATASET Data Type. Then, determine what you need to do and go to the related content.
How Do I Get Started?
- Review The DATASET Data Type.
- Import your DATASET data:
- Create tables containing DATASET type columns or alter a table to add DATASET type columns. See Creating and Altering Tables to Store DATASET Data.
- Load DATASET data into the tables using a load method or load utility such as Teradata Parallel Transporter (TPT). You can also shred data and load the values into a database table. See Modifying DATASET Columns and DATASET_TABLE for examples.
- Use dot notation syntax to traverse a DATASET document and retrieve individual DATASET entities. See Accessing DATASET Data Using Dot Notation.
- Convert data in the CSV format to a JSON or DATASET data type. See CSV Conversion.
- Create simple or complex queries to generate a DATASET document. See DATASET Publishing.