Creating Versus Owning Objects in the Hierarchy - Analytics Database - Teradata Vantage

Database Administration

Analytics Database
Teradata Vantage
Release Number
June 2022
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢

There is a difference between creating and owning objects in the database hierarchy. Owner privileges and creator privileges are different and determine default settings for undefined parameters during creation.

  • The creator of an object is the user who submitted the CREATE statement. Every object has one and only one creator.
    If the CREATE statement is executed within a macro, then the user who executed the macro is the creator of the object. The macro is just a vehicle for that creation.
  • The owner of an object is any database or user above the object in the database hierarchy.
  • The immediate owner (or parent) of a new user or database is the owner of the space in which the object resides. (In other words, a database or user that has space subtracted from its own permanent space to create a new object becomes the immediate owner of that new object.) The creator is the user who submitted the CREATE statement, but that user can specify a different database with the FROM database option of the CREATE USER or CREATE DATABASE statement.

The default database is the database of the creating user, but can be a different database if you precede the object name with the database name and a period separator (databasename.objectname) in the CREATE statement.

An object must always have an immediate owner; that is, an immediate owner of one or more objects cannot be dropped. However, the immediate owner of a database or user can be changed.

The following table lists the basic rules defining a creator, an owner, and an immediate owner.

Action Result
You execute a CREATE statement that creates an object (anywhere in the database). You are the creator of that object. You are not necessarily an owner, or the immediate owner, of that object.
You see an object directly below you in the hierarchy. You are the immediate owner of that object.
You create an object in your own database. You are both the creator and the immediate owner of that object.
You create an object in the space of another user or database (assuming you have the privilege that allows you to do so).
  • You are the creator of the object.
  • The other user or database is the immediate owner of the object.
  • UserA owns UserB
  • UserB creates an object in the database of UserB
  • UserB is the creator of the object.
  • UserB is the immediate owner of the object. UserA is also an owner, but not the immediate owner of the object.
You are using directory server integration. UserC is a directory-based user mapped to database-based UserA. UserC creates a database in UserD. UserA is recorded as the creator and UserD is recorded as the immediate owner of the new database.