The following table provides some guidelines you can use to make the best choice of utilities when inserting rows. Keep in mind that you may find a better way through experimenting.
Task | First Choice | Second Choice |
Insert a small number of rows into an empty table | FastLoad | TPump/BTEQ |
Insert a large number of rows into an empty table | FastLoad | TPump |
Insert a small number of rows into a small populated table | BTEQ, MultiLoad, TPump or MERGE when the transaction density is too low for satisfactory performance | |
Insert a small number of rows into a large populated table | TPump, BTEQ, or MERGE | |
Insert a moderate number of rows into a large populated table | MultiLoad or MERGE | TPump when the transaction density is too low for satisfactory performance |
Insert a large number of rows into a large populated table | MultiLoad or MERGE |
Insert a large number of rows into multiple populated tables | MultiLoad | TPump |
Insert a large number of rows when logged on session are near their full capacity | INSERT ... SELECT or MERGE | TPump |
Insert a large number of rows when the specific order of updates is important | Tpump | INSERT ... SELECT or MERGE |
Insert a large number of rows into multiple empty tables | Multiple FastLoads | MultiLoad |