When updating, exporting, or doing other batch operations, use the guidelines in the following table to consider the best choice for your job.
Task | First Choice | Second Choice |
Merging a large number of rows when logged on session are near their full capacity | INSERT ... SELECT or MERGE | Tpump |
Merging a large number of rows when the specific order of updates is important | TPump | INSERT ... SELECT or MERGE |
Export a small number of rows from any table | BTEQ | FastExport |
Export a moderate or large number of rows from a large table | FastExport | BTEQ |
Update a small number of rows in any table | TPump | BTEQ |
Update a large number of rows in a large table | MultiLoad | BTEQ insert table into a new one. |
Perform multiple DML (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) operations on a small number of rows on multiple tables | MultiLoad or TPump when the transaction density is too low for satisfactory performance | BTEQ |
Perform multiple DML (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) operations on a large number of rows on multiple tables | MultiLoad | TPump |
Copy one or several tables to a different Vantage system | DSA | FastExport and FastLoad |
Copy all tables in the Vantage system to a different Vantage system | DSA | |
Load an identity column table | TPump (in ROBUST mode) | BTEQ .IMPORT |
Load the data into staging table | Teradata PT Load Operator | Teradata PT Update Operator |