When you enable query logging for a database, system and user use counts and timestamps are reset. However, when you disable query logging, only system counts and timestamps are reset. User use counts and timestamps are not reset. To reset them, use these macros:
This macro... | Resets... |
ClearAllDatabaseUseCount | AccessCount and LastTimeStamp for all objects in the system. |
ClearDatabaseUseCount | AccessCount and LastTimeStamp of objects in a specified database. |
ClearTVMUseCount | the AccessCount and LastAccessTimeStamp for all of the objects in a specified table, view, macro, trigger, stored procedure, join index, user-defined type, user-defined method, or user-defined function. |
ClearUserUseCount | all access counts (excluding statistics) for a particular user. |
ClearUserStatCount | all statistics counts for a particular user. |
ClearUserUDICount | all update, delete, and insert counts for a particular user. |
You must have the EXECUTE privilege on the macros to use them.
To create these macros, check if the DIP utility script DIPVIEWSV has run. If not, run DIPVIEWSV.
All SQL statements used by the ClearDatabaseUseCount macros place write locks on the database objects involved.
Examples of Resetting Use Counts
TO reset the AccessCount and LastAccessTimeStamp fields for… | USE the following syntax… |
the table tab1 | Exec DBC.ClearTVMUseCount('db1', 'tab1'); Specify the databasename and the tablename in apostrophes, separated by a comma. |
the database db2 | Exec DBC.ClearDatabaseUseCount('db2'); Specify databasename in apostrophes. |
all the objects in the system | Exec DBC.ClearAllDatabaseUseCount; |